Updates That Make You Get Up and Move It
Dec 01,2006
If you're here that means you've survived 2chan's attack on our Japanese arm for a certain white console. This makes me happy because I've got a ton of new site updates to tell you about.

Some of our more alert readers may have noticed that the Eurobeat preorders section has been removed from the "Dance & Soul" section of our site. Well, we're pleased to announce that along with a whole Eurobeat/trance-only section, we've added several brand new compilations pages.

You can access each of those through the "Compilations" link on our top page and our more popular compilations pages through the genre pages below.

Jpop Compilations
Trance/Eurobeat Compilations
Music Box Compilations

Music Compilations (Foreign)
Classical Compilations

We have also added as spiffy new female Jpop artists page which features a number of established and future female vocalists. If you've had a hard time finding your favorite female artist on our site, this is the first place to look.

CDJ out.

Updates That Make You Get Up and Move It Comments


err... what happened to the music box witu KAT-TUN music? @-@
by a_a : Dec 11,2006
Alas, cancelled by the maker. I put the update into the "KAT-TUN Capers" blog post but I think it got buried before most of you could see it.

Gomen nasai m(_ _)m
by Dan : Dec 11,2006