Do You Like Japanese Sushi?
Sep 15,2006
By now I'm sure half the population of earth has seen the infamous "Japanese Sushi" video on YouTube (if you haven't, go to and do a search for "Japanese Sushi"--Sorry, can't link). If you've seen it I'm sure you were glad for the over-the-top subtitles--a measure of kindness in an otherwise country of samurai.

Well, the same group that brought you "Sushi" is lending you another helping hand--and this time you don't need subtitles. No, the comedy team, known in Japan as Ramens, has released a new CD titled "Shin Nihongo Gakko (New Japanese School)." Yes, now you can learn Japanese from the same group that taught you that geta aren't just for walking!

I had a chance to listen to a single-track sample from the album and it is definitely hilarious. Marvel your friends at the next party by showing your mastery of Japanese phrases like "Kore wa Yamanote-sen Desu ka?" and "Zubon!" Order now.

Do You Like Japanese Sushi? Comments


I love makizushi!
by Keith : Sep 18,2006
Ah, I've seen a flash parody version of this... it was all over 2ch a couple years ago. Surprising that they're just now releasing it on CD. o_O;
by rinji : Sep 19,2006
Thanks for the heads up rinji. Apparently the sketch has been a solid part of their live performance for a while. The sample I heard was part of the "Africa" portion. Slightly offensive but rather hilarious.

Keith> All about the hot-wheels sushi!
by Dan : Sep 19,2006