CDJapan Advertises at Mechacon
Jul 11,2006
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CDJapan is advertising at this year's Mechacon! If you're in the Lafayette, Louisiana area and are planning to head out, keep an eye out for our ad on the inside cover of the convention booklet.

I'll just come right out and say it, I'm not an artist. After three failed attempts, I finally came up with something I can agree with. However, the first three prototypes for this ad were very, er, comedic, if you know what I mean. Is it a robot? Is it a demon? Is it a tree? I'll spare you the terrible art.

Anyway, if you're interested in checking out Mechacon, please click on their banner above or on the link in this paragraph.

If you're interested in hosting an ad from CDJapan yourself, feel free to contact us at You are also more than welcome to use the graphics in the ad on the left.

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