Blu-ray Limited Edition

Pretty Guardian (Bishojo Senshi) Sailor Moon Crystal 1 [Limited Release]


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Release Date October 15, 2014
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Product Details

Catalog No.KIXA-90451
JAN/ISBN 4988003828349
Product Type Blu-ray
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Running Time 53minutes
Region free


First Blu-ray release from the new TV anime series of "Sailor Moon" based on the popular manga! Features episodes 1 and 2. Limited edition comes with original charm & bag charm, a music box to house the first volume playing the intro theme "Moon Pride," all color booklet, opening storyboard, and illustrated digipak.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: audio commentary, creditless intro & outro

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

アニメ「美少女戦士セーラームーン Crystal」 1 [初回限定豪華版] / アニメ

夢見る女の子のハートを鷲掴みにした伝説の作品『美少女戦士セーラームーン』が20年の時を超えて・・・今、甦る! ニコニコ動画にて2014年7月5日(土)19:00より全世界同時配信されるアニメ『美少女戦士セーラームーン Crystal』のBlu-ray第1巻。 ――「月野うさぎ」は、ちょっとドジで泣き虫だけど、元気いっぱいの中学2年生。ある日、額に三日月模様をもつ黒猫「ルナ」と出会い、愛と正義のセーラー服美少女戦士「セーラームーン」に変身することに! うさぎには選ばれた正義の戦士として、仲間の戦士と幻の銀水晶を探し出しプリンセスを守るという使命があるらしい。一方、ダーク・キングダムの女王「クイン・ベリル」も、絶大な力を持つ幻の銀水晶を手に入れるべくうさぎの住む街に配下を送り込み、奇怪な事件を起こしていく・・・。果たして、セーラームーンは他のセーラー戦士とともに幻の銀水晶を探し出し、プリンセスを守ることができるのか・・・!? 第1話、第2話収録。 [初回限定豪華版]は(株)バンダイ製作オリジナルチャーム (「ムーンスティック」&「バッグチャーム」)、28Pフルカラーブックレット、OP・ED画コンテ、全巻収納BOXが貰える応募券 (応募者全員にプレゼント)封入。特製BOX仕様【小坂明子アレンジオリジナルオルゴール内臓】(オルゴールの楽曲は『美少女戦士セーラームーン Crystal』OP曲「MOON PRIDE」)。アニメ版権描き下ろしデジパック仕様。 ※通常版のBlu-ray&DVDは2014年11月12日に発売
オーディオコメンタリー(1話: 三石琴乃・野島健児・境宗久・小佐野文雄、2話: ももいろクローバーZ・境宗久)、OP/EDノンテロップ

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        Customer Reviews

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        Very beautiful! 5

        This new version of the anime of Bishoujo senshi Sailor Moon Crystal is very closer to the manga as the 90th series of Bishoujo senshi Sailor Moon. This limited edition of Vol. 1 includes: - the bluray with the first 2 episodes - a box with a music box, which is playing the opening theme Moon pride in a orgle version - a booklet (which includes interviews, character design works, design works - a booklet witth includes opening & ending storyboards - Charm bracelet - Moon Stick charm (it can be used as a cell phone strap) The episodes was looking better as the official online streams on niconicodouga, at 2014.

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        Magical <3 5

        I got the box on Friday and was delighted, the packaging features an amazing relief/engraved title in soft pastel colours and gold so you're definitely in for a treat. As soon as you open the box you get a music box rendition of the opening sequence, Moon Pride. Inside is a storyboard booklet in high quality paper featuring the storyboards for both the opening and ending sequences with anotations, all in Japanese so us that don't grasp kanji are left only with the artwork. The second booklet is all colour print featuring interviews with Mitsuishi Kotono, a special feature that seems to have Naoko Takeuchi and her editor Osa-P with colour photos around Tokyon in Juuban. It also has sinopsis and screen shots of the first and second episodes as well as model sheets for Usagi, Sailor Moon and supporting characters, if you like these tidbits you will be marvelled. Last, but not least it features the Sailor Moon Charm bracelet and the Moon Stick Charm that can also be used as a cell phone strap. All in all it's great value for money if you like all these extras. The disc cover seems a bit fragile but I like how it's done.

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        Awesome Product 5

        Hi I was able to get my package and I was happy with my purchase, the Blue-Ray version is so nice plus the freebies are also cool. Love the music box!!!

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