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March 2007
Moi dix Mois - DIXANADU

Moi dix Mois

Last October he promised you an "other reality," and this March Mana plans to deliver! That's right, Moi dix Mois have returned with their first full-length album since 2004, "DIXANADU"!

Welcome to a brand new world the likes of which you've never seen; a Moi dix Mois-tinged utopia designed to harmonize elements of the symphonic, aggressive, and melodic. Both Mana's first full-length release in three years and the fifth-anniversary commemorative release from the band, "DIXANADU" is Mana's most important work to date. This time around he has pulled out all the stops on his trademark organs and harspichords, as well as incorporated a whole new batch of musical techniques to his repertoire.

"DIXANADU" was released March 28, 2007 with a tracklist of 12 songs. Order now!


i'm glad to hear of this. dix for MANA
Posted by sassy cat Feb 13,2007
