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CDJapan Archives

May 2006
Tsukiko Amano - Five New Singles

Tsukiko Amano - Five New Singles

The release date is approaching for five new singles from rock queen Tsukiko Amano! If you liked Amano's single for PlayStation 2 game "Fatal Frame 3," now's the perfect time to discover the broad range of Tsukiko Amano's talents.

The first single to be released is a straigh-up edgy rock number by the name of "Karasu" that includes the B-Side "Glass." Next we have the melancholic digi-pop song "Fukuro" with B-Side "Kokudo." The third single titled "Utakata" features light ballad sound slightly reminiscent of Hikaru Utada and the B-Side "Uraraka." Fourth single "Fusen" has Amano's antithesis to "Utakata" with a more pop-oriented piano+band song and B-Side "Kosen." Finally, the last single "Konoton -chaos-" has Tsukiko Amano going full-steam back to an all-live band and electric guitars.

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