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September 2005
Hajime Yoshizawa New Album

Hajime Yoshizawa

Future Jazz musician Hajime Yoshizawa is back with another ground breaking album. While the one track already released from this album is receiving massive praise (500,000 downloading the song "Beyond the Sunshine" on their cell phones alone) the Tokyo dance underground is chomping at the bit to get their hands on his new album, "Music From the Edge of the Universe." With collaborations from artists from R&B diva bird to Face, this full-length album is a must have for any fan of club music!

Pick up Hajime Yoshizawa's latest masterpiece "Music From the Edge of the Universe" now! Make sure to check out the other releases from the man behind the fader of such artists as Chara, Mondo Grosso, Kyoto Jazz Massive, and Sleep Walker!

=> "Music From the Edge of the Universe": 2005/9/7
=> "Hajime Yoshizawa": 2002/06/26
=> "Violet Lounge": 2000/11/30