Article by Burcu (Translated in Japanese by CDJapan Staff)
New Year celebrations are called Shogatsu. It is officially celebrated till January 3rd. But you could see the New Year ornaments till the middle of January in some places.
Mochitsuki: 餅搗き(餅つき)
It is an event to pound rice to make mochi (rice cakes). It's usually performed from around December 25 to 28.これは、餅(お餅)を作るために米をつくイベントです。通常、12月25日から28日の頃に行われます。
New Year Ornaments; Kagami-mochi and Kadomatsu: 新年の飾り; 鏡餅と門松
Kagami-mochi is an ornament made from two round mochi (rice cake) and a daidai (orange-like fruit that comes from the Himalayas) with a leaf attached on top. It is said that the name Kagami comes from the offering which looks like a mirror, for the new year god. Kagami-biraki is also part of the tradition which means you eat it after the New Year celebrations.鏡餅は、2つの丸い餅とダイダイ(ヒマラヤ原産のオレンジのような果物)と、その上に添えられた葉から作られる飾りです。鏡餅の名前は、新年の神への鏡のように見える捧げ物から来ています。 鏡開きも伝統の一部で、新年の祝いの後に食べるという意味です。
Kadomatsu is made from three parts bamboo and pine.
Nengajo: 年賀状
It is still a tradition to write a postcard to celebrate your loved one’s new year in Japan. These postcards have special stamps on them and will be delivered precisely on January 1st.日本では、愛する人の新年を祝うために年賀状を書く伝統がまだあります。これらのはがきには特別な切手があり、1月1日に正確に配達されます。*豪雪地帯等では前後することもあります
New Year Cleaning: 大掃除
Japanese people do this cleaning at the end of the year and they call it Osoji. And with Osoji they believe they cleaned the negative energy in the house and made a new beginning in the new year.日本人は年末にこの掃除を行い、それを大掃除と呼びます。大掃除により、家の中のネガティブなエネルギーを清め、新年に新たな始まりを迎えると信じています。
Bonenkai: 忘年会
It's a “forgetting the old year, make a new start in the new year” event. People get together, drink, and chat all night and forget the unfortunate things that happened. These events usually take place at izakaya (Japanese-style bars) where you can find affordable price meals and an “all you can drink” style menu for a large group of people.忘年会は「古い年を忘れ、新年に新しいスタートをする」ためのイベントです。人々は集まり、飲み、話して一晩中過ごし、不幸な出来事を忘れます。通常、手頃な価格の食事と大人数向けの飲み放題メニューがある居酒屋で行われます。
Osechi Ryori: おせち料理
A traditional New Year meal is called Osechi-Ryori. This tradition started in the Heian period. The boxes that the food is placed in are called Jubako. They also look like bento boxes with three or four layers. At the top layer, there will be food that can bring good luck such as; Konbu which is a kind of seaweed that represents “joy” and Kuro-mame, which is black soybean that represents “health” in the new year. On the second layer, there will be fish or seafood. And in the third layer, there would be vegetables. The dishes for Osechi might be different in each prefecture or even in cities.おせち料理は、伝統的な新年の食事で、この伝統は平安時代に始まりました。食事は重箱に入れられます。これらは三層または四層の弁当箱のように見えます。一番上の層には、喜びを象徴する昆布や新年の健康を象徴する黒豆など、幸運をもたらす食べ物が入ります。二番目の層には魚や海産物が、三番目の層には野菜が入ります。おせち料理は、地域や都市によって異なることがあります。
Bell Ringing: 除夜の鐘
On the night of the 31st of December, they ring the temple bells 108 times. It is believed that with the sound of the bells, the old year’s evilness has gone and they can start the new year with a clean slate.12月31日の夜、寺院の鐘が108回鳴らされます。この鐘の音によって、古い年の悪が払われ、新しい年を清らかに始められると信じられています。
Otoshidama: お年玉
On New Year's Day in Japan, adults give money to children in small decorated envelopes which are called pochibukuro.日本では元日に、大人が子供たちに「ポチ袋」と呼ばれる小さな飾り付きの封筒にお金を入れて渡します。
Hakone Ekiden: 箱根駅伝
Tokyo-Hakone Round-Trip College Ekiden Race, a.k.a Hakone Ekiden is a university relay marathon race that is held between Tokyo and Hakone on January 2nd and 3rd. Some Japanese people spend their New Year holiday watching the marathon on TV and 2024 is the 100th anniversary of the race.東京-箱根間往復大学駅伝競走、通称箱根駅伝は、1月2日と3日に東京と箱根の間で行われる大学リレーマラソンレースです。多くの日本人が新年の休日にテレビでこのマラソンを観戦し、2024年はこのレースの100周年です。
Japan's Important First Things Of The New Year: 新年の日本の重要な初めのこと
Hatsuyume (First Dream): 初夢
If you see a treasure ship, hawk, or Mt. Fuji in your dream, it will bring you good luck in the new year.夢に宝船、鷹、または富士山が現れた場合、それは新年に幸運をもたらすと言われています。
Hatsumode (First Temple Visit): 初詣
Between 1st-3rd of January, Japanese people visit temples and throw away their old charms to get new ones and make wishes for the new year.1月1日から3日の間、日本人は神社や寺を訪れ、古いお守りを捨てて新しいものを手に入れ、新年の願い事をします。
Hatsuhinode (First Sunrise): 初日の出
It is believed that watching the first sunrise will bring them luck and hope in the new year in Japan.日本では、初日の出を見ることで、新年に運と希望をもたらすと信じられています。
Before ending this last article of 2023, I would like to share a gratitude message for anyone who has been reading my articles this year. This opportunity to write for CDJAPAN was a pure joy for me. Hope to meet you all again next year with health and joy.
Kotoshi Mo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! [I look forward to having a good relationship with you this year, too.]
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu![Happy New Year!]
Before you go, don't forget to check our Christmas Songs Article and New Year Shopping Article.
Words You May Want To Learn:
Kadomatsu=門松 (kadomatsu)Kagami mochi=鏡餅 (kagami mochi)
Nengajo (New Year's Card=年賀状 (nengajo)
Osechi-ryori (New Year Dishes)=お節料理 (osechi ryori)
Mochitsuki=餅搗き (mochitsuki)
Hatsuhinode (First Sunrise)=初日の出 (hatsuhi no de)
Hatsuhinode image photo is taken from 掛川市ウェブサイト, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Kadomatsu image photo is taken from Kimberli Mäkäräinen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Nengajo image photo is taken from Halowand, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
If you have a strong will to learn Japanese from today, please go to Learn Japanese at CDJapan.
About the Author
Özlem Burcu Öztürk
Author, Culture Blogger, Scriptwriter, Documentary Director, Video Game Translator
Ö. Burcu focused on the significance of intercultural communication and since 2015, she has done volunteer writing to establish a bridge of culture between Japan and the world.
She released four story books; Shine Like A Star (2016, English and Turkish), Chocolate Flavored Murder (2017, English and Turkish), The Guardians Series Book 1 - Dream (2018, Turkish, English and Japanese) and Mystery Vacation (2020, English and Turkish).
She continues to focus and work on projects that can enhance intercultural ties.
Official Website:
Instagram: @authorburcu
Twitter (X): @AuthorBurcu
Author, Culture Blogger, Scriptwriter, Documentary Director, Video Game Translator
Ö. Burcu focused on the significance of intercultural communication and since 2015, she has done volunteer writing to establish a bridge of culture between Japan and the world.
She released four story books; Shine Like A Star (2016, English and Turkish), Chocolate Flavored Murder (2017, English and Turkish), The Guardians Series Book 1 - Dream (2018, Turkish, English and Japanese) and Mystery Vacation (2020, English and Turkish).
She continues to focus and work on projects that can enhance intercultural ties.
Official Website:
Instagram: @authorburcu
Twitter (X): @AuthorBurcu
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