DVD First Press

Higashino, Okamura no Tabizaru 23 Private de Gomennasai... Special Okaidoku Ban

Variety (Koji Higashino, Takashi Okamura)

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Release Date June 12, 2024
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Product Details

Catalog No.YRBJ-50091
JAN/ISBN 4571487595045
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 2
Label/DistributorUNIVERSAL MUSIC
Running Time 318minutes
Region 2


[Machine Translation] The latest DVD series of "Tabizaru 23" is now on sale! Traveling monkeys continue to travel freely to various places. This special 2-disc DVD set contains many of their travels! [ / ~Hidetaka Kano Produced Trip to Miyagi Prefecture: Hidetaka Kano and "Hidetaka Kano Produced Trip to Miyagi Prefecture", the first appearance of "Tabizaru"! Kano will guide you to the recommended local spots in Miyagi, the first stop for "Tabizaru" in Japan. First, the group was overwhelmed by the sight of tuna being dismantled in front of their eyes at a sushi restaurant! Then, at the Ishinomori Manga-kan, the group will be able to become masked riders and face off against Shocker! The group went to Kurihara City, where Kano is a tourism ambassador. They are excited to experience the unique experience of blowing things up and searching for gold sand at the Hosokura Mine Park. For lunch, they enjoyed the exquisite gibier "Kuma Udon" (bear udon). Then, we visited the shrine of Kano's parents' home! What does her mother reveal about her past? Next, they went to an aquarium at a moment's notice. For dinner, Kano's favorite restaurant serves beef tongue! Today's lodging is a popular hotel in Akiu Onsen. Breakfast is excellent soba (buckwheat noodles)! Let's play catch in Kobe: Big fan of the Orix Buffaloes! Let's play catch in Kobe" with Masuda Okada Okada, who is a big fan of the Orix Buffaloes! First, they went to a sporting goods store to look for a glove! What was the small miracle that happened there? Lunch at the world's stolen base king's restaurant! Okada's past problems have come to light, and he is suspected of having made a mistake! Now it's time to go to the sacred place, Hotto Motto Field Kobe! Pitching and batting at the indoor practice field used by players. And, you can catch a ball at the place where Ichiro used to defend! They also went shopping at the Orix goods store. Next, the group visited Suma Ura Yamaue Amusement Park, which was recommended by Okada. What is the uncomfortable curator? At the Darvish Museum, the group had a one-hit duel with a virtual Darvish! Lastly, enjoy the exquisite yakiniku at "Karubi Koshi", a popular restaurant named after Ichiro! Let's return to our childhood and enjoy the summer! A trip to "Let's go back to our childhood and enjoy the summer! Let's return to our childhood and enjoy the summer with Shiori Sato! Trip" with Shiori Sato! First, we will go to the Yoshimoto head office to enjoy watermelon splitting! For lunch, we will enjoy traditional fried rice and dumplings at a popular Chinese restaurant in Machinuka. Next, we will go to a popular facility to try trampolining, but Sato goes out of control! While eating shaved ice, Ya Tomo-san sees the live spirits attached to three people! What is the shocking live spirit attached to Okamura-san? Higashino wanted to go to an audio specialty store and had a superb jazz experience. Lastly, Kaori Mochida joins them for Higashino's surprise birthday party at a high-class sukiyaki restaurant! However, Mochida made an unforeseen mistake... [Cast] Koji Higashino, Takashi Okamura, Hidetaka Kano, Keiichi Okada (Masuda Okada), Kaori Mochida, Shiori Sato
Special Feature / Bonus Track: bonus video footage

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

東野・岡村の旅猿 23 プライベートでごめんなさい・・・スペシャルお買得版 / バラエティ (東野幸治、岡村隆史)

「旅猿23」DVDシリーズ最新作が発売! 様々な場所へ自由気ままな旅を続ける旅猿。それら多くの旅をDVD2枚組に収めたスペシャル版! 第5弾は、まだまだある自由気ままな旅を2枚組に収めたスペシャルお買得版! <収録内容> ●Disc 1: ~狩野英孝プロデュース宮城県の旅~ 旅猿初登場の狩野英孝と「狩野英孝プロデュース宮城県の旅」! 旅猿初上陸の宮城で狩野が地元のオススメスポットを案内。まずはお寿司屋さんで目の前で披露してもらったマグロ解体に圧倒される一行! つづいて、石ノ森萬画館では仮面ライダーになってショッカーと対決!? 狩野が観光大使を務める栗原市へ。細倉マインパークで爆破に砂金探し・・・ここでしかできない体験に興奮! お昼は絶品ジビエ「熊うどん」を堪能。そして狩野の実家の神社で参拝! 母が明かす知られざる過去とは? つづいて、行き当たりばったりで急遽水族館へ。夕食は狩野行きつけのお店で牛タンに舌鼓! 本日のお宿は秋保温泉の人気ホテル。朝ごはんは絶品のおそばをいただく! ●Disc 2: ~神戸でキャッチボールをしようの旅~ オリックス・バファローズの大ファン! 初登場のますだおかだ岡田と「神戸でキャッチボールをしようの旅」! まずはグローブを探しにスポーツ用品店へ! そこで起きた小さな奇跡とは? 世界の盗塁王のお店でランチ! 岡田の過去に問題発覚でまさかのパクリ疑惑が! いざ、聖地ほっともっとフィールド神戸へ! 選手も使う室内練習場でピッチング&バッティングを体験。さらに、イチローが守った場所で念願のキャッチボール! オリックスのグッズショップでショッピングも楽しむ。つづいて一行が訪れたのは、岡田おすすめの須磨浦山上遊園。乗り心地の悪いカーレーターとは? ダルビッシュミュージアムでは、バーチャルダルビッシュと1打席対決! ラストはイチローが店名をつけた人気店「カルビ越え」で絶品焼肉を堪能! / ~童心に返って夏を満喫しよう! の旅~ 久々の登場! 佐藤栞里と「童心に返って夏を満喫しよう! の旅」! まずは吉本本社で童心に返ってスイカ割り! 昼食は人気の町中華で昔ながらの炒飯&餃子を堪能。つづいて、話題の施設でトランポリンを体験するが佐藤が暴走!? かき氷を食べながら、シークエンスはやともさんが3人についた生霊を見る! 岡村さんについた衝撃の生き霊とは!? 東野がどうしても行きたかったオーディオ専門店で極上のジャズ体験。ラストは持田香織も合流して、高級すき焼き店で東野のサプライズ誕生会! しかし持田がまさかの凡ミス・・・。 [出演] 東野幸治、岡村隆史、狩野英孝、岡田圭右 (ますだおかだ)、持田香織、佐藤栞里
特典映像: [Disc 1] 未公開! 冬の宮城を熱弁! 溢れ出す狩野英孝の地元愛 (3分)、[Disc 2] 未公開! 3人の野球のおじさんが大盛り上がり (4分)

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