Thailand Stars Magazine [Cover] TayNew and OffGun (Pia MOOK)


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Release Date January 31, 2024
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-2937400
JAN/ISBN 9784835644561
Product Type BOOK
Pages 82

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.


[Machine Translation] The latest guide to Thai life, entertainment and culture! The latest guide to Thai entertainment and culture! Tay&New and Off&Gun are on the cover! This is the perfect book for your Thai life, bringing you the latest in Thai entertainment and culture, from popular Thai drama stars to TV dramas, T-POP, gourmet food, cosmetics, and much more. The cover is graced by two popular couples, Tay&New and Off&Gun, who are leading the Thai boom. The front cover features a special photo report on Bright, a top star who is always in the spotlight, and a special interview and photogravure of the four cover artists, Earth&Mix, Gemini&Fourth, Joong&Dunk, Fort&Peat, Perth Nakhun, and more. In addition, the magazine provides a guide to the hottest Thai TV dramas and the hottest T-POP scene and artists, as well as a guide to authentic Thai food available in Japan, the latest Thai cosmetics that you can get your hands on right away, and much more.

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*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

タイランド スターマガジン T・LAND STAR magazine (ぴあMOOK) / ぴあ

「いま推しタイ!」タイ活エンタメ&カルチャー最新ガイド! Tay&New、Off&Gunが表紙に登場! タイドラマの人気スターをはじめ、ドラマ、T-POP、グルメ、コスメまで、注目のタイエンタメ&カルチャーをお届けする、タイ活にぴったりの一冊。表紙を飾るのは、タイブームをけん引する人気の2カップル、Tay&NewとOff&Gunの4人。巻頭企画では、表紙4人の撮りおろしグラビア&インタビューをはじめ、その動向が常に注目を集めるトップスター、Bright (ブライト) の来日イベントを追ったスペシャル・フォトレポート、そして、Mew、Gulf、Krist&Gawin、Pond&Phuwin、Earth&Mix、Gemini&Fourth、Joong&Dunk、Fort&Peat、Perth Nakhunなど、2024年も活躍が期待される人気俳優約20人の撮りおろしグラビア&インタビューやレポートを掲載。さらに、見逃し厳禁のタイドラマ話題作ガイドや注目のT-POPシーン&アーティスト紹介のほか、日本で味わえる本格タイグルメに、いますぐ手に入れたい最新タイコスメなど、広がるタイカルチャーの魅力もたっぷりナビゲートします。

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