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Ayumi Hamasaki Asia Tour - 24th Anniversary Special @ Pia Arena MM -

Ayumi Hamasaki

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Release Date August 17, 2022
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First Press / External Bonus

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Product Details

Catalog No.AVXD-27560
JAN/ISBN 4988064275601
Product Type Blu-ray
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Running Time 126minutes
Region free



Ayumi Hamasaki, who celebrates the 24th anniversary of her debut on April 8, 2022, held her anniversary live on April 6 at Pia Arena MM in Yokohama. This special live show features a superb set list including songs she has never sung live since her debut in 1998, as well as her latest songs.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

ayumi hamasaki ASIA TOUR ~24th Anniversary special@PIA ARENA MM~ / 浜崎あゆみ

2022年4月8日にデビュー24周年を迎える浜崎あゆみが、4月6日に横浜・ぴあアリーナMMで開催したアニヴァーサリー・ライヴを完全収録。 98年のデビュー以来、一度もライヴで歌唱していない楽曲から最新曲まで、この日のためだけに創り上げられた超豪華セットリストで贈るスペシャル・ライヴ! 1stアルバム『A Song for ××』収録のレア曲や、新旧ファンから絶大な人気を誇る名曲、そして、このライヴで初披露となる最新曲まで、浜崎あゆみの24年の歴史を辿る感動の楽曲群で構成されたエクスクルーシヴ・エンタテインメント・ショー! ■本商品はスマプラムービー対応商品です。【スマプラムービーとは】Blu-rayに収録された映像がスマートフォンでも視聴できる機能をプラスした商品です。[推奨環境] スマートフォン対応OS: iOS7以上、Android4.0以上 ※スマプラムービーはスマートフォン・タブレット向きサービスです。 ●詳しい使用方法に関しては商品に同梱されているご案内をご参照下さい。●初めてご利用の際はID登録(無料)が必要となります。●スマートフォンでお楽しみ頂くお客様は、専用プレイヤーアプリ「スマプラムービー(無料)」のインストールが必要となります。●アプリ及びコンテンツのダウンロードには別途通信費及び大容量のパケット通信料がかかる場合がございます。スマートフォンでご利用の際はパケット定額サービスでご利用頂くか、WiFiに接続してご利用頂くことを推奨致します。各キャリアのご契約内容に応じて通信回線の使用制限対象となる場合がありますので予めご了承下さい。●ご利用になるスマートフォンの空き容量が少ない場合はコンテンツを取得・再生できない場合がございます。その場合は十分な空き容量を確保してからあらためてお楽しみ下さい。●端末によっては正常に使用・再生できない場合がございます。●日本国内専用です。●本サービスの有効期間は発売日より2年間となります。

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      Customer Reviews

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      Another amazing show from Ayu 5

      This was such an experience from a long-time fan with the tracklist covering both old hits all the way from the start of her career as well as more recent tracks (I loved getting to see "Nonfiction" performed live!). Lots of nostalgic songs and performances, great costumes and choreographies. The performance of "GREEN" in this concert has to be my favourite one of all time for that song, and I really loved the new arrangement of "ourselves". I also loved hearing Ayu perform many older songs, and getting to really admire the way her voice and style has matured over the years - what a treat for any fan, both new and old.

      people found this helpful
      Fantastic Show, But... 4

      First of all, I bought the mu-mo/FC edition which comes with much more than just this specific concert, but I'll concentrate on specifically what's on this particular disk; Ayu's 24th Anniversary show. The concert itself is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC from start to finish. The costumes, stage props, dancers, band etc are all superb. Even her vocals are top notch during this show. Ayu's on her top game here. Plus, the special guest appearance for the performance of "One Night Carnival" was a lot of fun too. My only small complaint is that there's some performances throughout the show where the editor at avex decided to go a little crazy with some special editing effects which gets kinda weird to watch. It reminds me of how Kumi Koda's "Dirty Ballroom ~One Night Show~" was edited for her "TRICK" album release back in 2009. This editing is sometimes just nothing short of just distracting, while the editing during "Party Queen" for example was mostly just fun the majority of the time.

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