CD Album

Memorial address [CD + DVD]

Ayumi Hamasaki

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Release Date December 17, 2003
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Product Details

Catalog No.AVCD-17410
JAN/ISBN 4988064174102
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 2
Label/DistributorAvex Marketing
Running Time 39minutes
Region 2



Ayumi Hamasaki's new mini album. Contains 5 hit singles, 2 previously unpublished tracks and bonus tracks. Comes with a DVD including promo clips to all tracks of the album. [Copy-Protected CD] (DVD: Color, 40 mins approx, single-sided/single-layered, MPEG-2, Linear PCM Stereo, Aspect Ratio: 4:3, Region: 2, No Subtitles)
Special Feature / Bonus Track: 1 bonus track (CD), digested live footage (DVD)

Translate Description

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Description in Japanese

Memorial address [CD + DVD] / 浜崎あゆみ

浜崎あゆみ待望の新作、MINI ALBUMの登場!! 今回は[MINI ALBUM+DVD]と[MINI ALBUM]の2形態リリース。こちらのDVD付きアルバムは、映像作品に対し、大きな進化と提案をもたらした2003年の浜崎あゆみが、アルバム全曲にビデオクリップ(PV)をつけるという日本音楽史上初の試み!!! CDには大ヒットシングル5曲+未発表曲2曲+ボーナストラックを収録。日本のミュージックビデオシーンを代表する著名な監督と共に制作されたハイクオリティな作品たちがアルバムと同時に一気に手に入る!! (DVD仕様: カラー約40分、片面1層、MPEG-2、リニアPCMステレオ、画面サイズ4:3、リージョン:2) [この商品はコピーコントロールCDです]
ボーナストラック1曲(CDに収録)、最新ライブ映像(「A museum」)のダイジェスト(DVDに収録)

Related Offer & Feature


    [Disc 1] ANGEL’S SONG
    [Disc 1] Greatful days
    [Disc 1] Because of You
    [Disc 1] ourselves
    [Disc 1] HANABI ~episode II~
    [Disc 1] No way to say
    [Disc 1] forgiveness
    [Disc 1] Memorial address (take 2 version) (Bonus Track)
    [Disc 2] ANGEL’S SONG
    [Disc 2] Greatful days
    [Disc 2] Because of You
    [Disc 2] ourselves
    [Disc 2] HANABI ~episode II~
    [Disc 2] No way to say
    [Disc 2] forgiveness
    [Disc 2] Special Digest from A museum ~30th single collection live~

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      Customer Reviews

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      Gorgeous! *__* 5

      This album's booklet is one of the most beautiful booklets! *___* And it's worth buying, it has such great songs and beautiful PVs! *___*

      people found this helpful
      Because Of Ayu... 5

      I figured that this was a mini album, but c'mon, it's Ayu. To me, one song has sold me, I had to grab this album... BECAUSE OF YOU. It was the video that caught my attention and the simple fact that Ayu looks a lot like Paine (my favorite character from FFX-2). Another great release from Ayu! I may not know what I am talking about, but I do know that you need to add this album to your extensive Ayu collection! Don't hesitate... GET IT NOW!!!

      people found this helpful
      A wide range of different styles... 4

      This mini-ablum feels in lots of ways like a slight experiment. Going through a wide range of different styles from one song to the other, some are better than others though. ANGEL'S SONG opens up the album nicely with it's electronic beat, Because of You is one of my all time favourites, it's just so intense and dramatic, ourselves is also a great highlight with it's very compelling arrangement, No way to say is truly one of the best songs here and the title track is amazing as well. Then there's also the bonus DVD that features on music video to every song (except for the title track) and every one of them is extremely well made. The videos for ANGEL'S SONG and No way to say are very cute ones, but the highlight is ourselves that is quite dark. HANABI ~Episode II~ is a very emotional one as well. The edition in itself is definitely 5 star, but as the DVD is only bonus I exclude it from the total rating and give it a strong 4 because it just doesn't feel complete and that's not because of the quantity of the songs. It's still no question about it, a great addition to your collection!

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