點擊進入 設置/重置密碼 中文頁面
If you forget your password, or experience any problem signing in, reset your password by clicking on the "Forget your password?" link.
An email including a link to reset your password will be sent to your email address.
Letters, Numbers, and Symbols
We highly recommend you to include lower letters and UPPER CASE LETTERS, as well as numbers and symbols in your password to make it more difficult for others to guess it.
Please note that it is only possible to enter English alphabets, numbers, and symbols listed below.
" ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ ` _ { | } ~
Password Length Upgraded in August 2011
We upgraded our website in August 2011. When we did so, we made the minimum number of characters required for password longer to enhance security.
The max number of characters allowed has also been made longer.
If you created your CDJapan customer account before August 2011 and experience any problem signing in, there might be a conflict between your previous registration and the current requirements. In that case, we recommend you to reset your password.