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Article by Burcu (Translated in Japanese by CDJapan Staff)

Japanese Cuisine is really a mystery for Europeans like me. There are different and unique sauces and seasonings. We would like to share a few well-known ones with you.

As in other Asian cuisine, also in Japanese cuisine soy sauce, which is made from a fermented paste of soybeans, is used as an ingredient or side dipping sauce for various dishes.

Different varieties of sesame oil are also commonly used in Japanese cuisine.


Miso, which is made from fermented soybean, koji, and salt, has been used in Japan for over 1,300 years. It is used to give extra depth and taste to different kinds of Japanese dishes.

There are different kinds of miso by color (Red, Yellow, White, etc...) and by ingredients (Kome, Genmai, Gumi... etc.) You can try Miso soup and miso Ramen and also can try marinating meat and fish with miso.

Katsuobushi, which is also known as dried bonito flakes in English, is basically dried and smoked skipjack tuna. Katsuobushi can be used with everything as a garnish or a seasoning in Japanese cuisine. You probably know its usage as a topping on okonomiyaki or takoyaki.
鰹節は、英語ではdried bonito flakesとも呼ばれ、基本的にはカツオを乾燥させて燻製にしたものである。かつお節は日本料理の付け合わせや調味料として何にでも使える。お好み焼きやたこ焼きのトッピングに使われることはよく知られている。

Wasabi is a plant that grows in mountain river valleys in Japan. It gives a spicy taste and is usually used with sushi and soba.

Ponzu, which is famous especially during the summer because of its strong citrus flavor, is usually used as a dipping sauce or dressing for salads or noodles.

Mirin is a rice wine that is similar to sake, but the difference is mirin has lower alcohol and higher sugar in it. Some sauce like Teriyaki contains mirin in it.

Because Japanese mayonnaise is made with rice vinegar, it tastes different from any mayonnaise we know. You should give it a try on a takoyaki or an okonomiyaki.

Words You May Want To Learn:

dried bonito flakes=鰹節 (Katsuobushi)
miso=味噌 (miso)
wasabi=山葵 (wasabi)
ponzu=ポン酢 (ponzu)
Japanese mayonnaise=マヨネーズ (mayonezu)
mirin=みりん (mirin)

Mayo image photo is taken from Takeaway, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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About the Author

Özlem Burcu Öztürk
Author, Culture Blogger, Scriptwriter, Documentary Director, Video Game Translator

Ö. Burcu focused on the significance of intercultural communication and since 2015, she has done volunteer writing to establish a bridge of culture between Japan and the world.

She released four story books; Shine Like A Star (2016, English and Turkish), Chocolate Flavored Murder (2017, English and Turkish), The Guardians Series Book 1 - Dream (2018, Turkish, English and Japanese) and Mystery Vacation (2020, English and Turkish).

She continues to focus and work on projects that can enhance intercultural ties.

Official Website:
Instagram: @authorburcu
Twitter (X): @AuthorBurcu

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