Senchi de Umareta Kiseki no Rebanon Wine (Japanese title)
Movie (Documentary)

Senchi de Umareta Kiseki no Rebanon Wine (Japanese title)

Movie (Documentary)

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Release Date March 01, 2024
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Product Details

Catalog No.UPC-72
JAN/ISBN 4580430640428
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Running Time 95minutes
Original Release Year 2020
Region 2


[Machine Translation] A discussion of happiness and living by Lebanese winemakers who continued to make wine with fortitude during the war. Wine luminaries Jancis Robinson, Michael Broadbent, and more! Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love" and other international bestsellers, invites you into the fascinating world of Lebanese wine. Lebanon, a small country in the Middle East, has long been one of the trading centers of the Mediterranean. Although the country has been at the mercy of repeated wars, it is actually one of the world's oldest wine-growing regions, a fact that is not well known. The origin of Lebanese wine is said to be as old as 5,000 years ago, or as old as 7,000 years according to one theory. In this film, Serge Hochard, the second generation of the internationally acclaimed Chateau Musard and the "father of Lebanese wine," and other indefatigable winemakers who have continued to make wine even during the war appear. The winemakers from 11 wineries who have continued to make wine even under extreme circumstances, such as a priest who started making wine during the civil war to bring peace instead of war, and a couple who continue to run a winery to revive their village after the massacre, will share their life philosophy and secrets to living a happy life.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

戦地で生まれた奇跡のレバノンワイン / 洋画 (ドキュメンタリー)

戦争中も不屈の精神でワインを造り続けたレバノンのワインメーカーたちが語る幸福と生き方論。ワイン界の著名人ジャンシス・ロビンソンやマイケル・ブロードベントなども登場! 『食べて、祈って、恋をして』著者で世界的ベストセラー作家エリザベス・ギルバートたちがあなたを魅惑的なレバノンワインの世界へと誘う──。古くから地中海の交易の中心のひとつであった中東の小国レバノン。度重なる戦争に翻弄されてきた国だが、実は知られざる世界最古のワイン産地の一つだ。レバノンワインの起源は5千年前とも一説には7千年前ともされる。本作は、世界的に高い評価を受けているシャトー・ミュザールの2代目で「レバノンワインの父」と評されているセルジュ・ホシャール他、戦争中もワインを作り続けてきた不屈のワインメーカーたちが登場する。戦争ではなく平和をもたらすために内戦中にワイン造りを始めた修道院の神父や、虐殺が起こった故郷の村で村の再起のためにワイナリーを続ける夫婦など、極限の状況でもワインを造り続けてきた11のワイナリーのワインメーカーたちが人生哲学や幸福に生きる秘訣を語る。

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