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Kaiju Ningyogeki Godziban Standard Edition

Sci-Fi Live Action

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Release Date December 21, 2022
Availability Backorder:Usually ships in 2-4 weeks
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Product Details

Catalog No.TDV-32042D
JAN/ISBN 4988104131423
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Color Color
Running Time 90minutes
Original Release Year 2022
Region 2
Audio Track Japanese


[Machine Translation] The three Godzilla brothers and their friends on Goji-Goji Island have a fun and exciting story to tell. The battle is just like in "Kaiju Soukyo Soukyo (Monster March)"! The first live-action version of the mysterious monster "Bagan"! The first live-action version of the monster "Bagan" and many other gems! Two new films, a director's cut version, and a Christmas story! [ / "The Greatest All Monsters on Earth": The three Godzilla brothers and the monsters of Goji-Goji Island take on Goji-Goji Island's greatest danger! The three Godzilla brothers and the monsters of Goji-Goji Island take on the biggest crisis on Goji-Goji Island, and battle their arch-enemy King Ghidorah in a battle that transcends time and space, with more than ten monsters working together, just like in the movie "Monster Soukai Soukai". Mothra vs. Bagan: The long-awaited live-action film of the mysterious monster "Bagan" makes its debut! Suddenly, the sky suddenly clouds over and Bagan appears in front of the little beauties Rune, Luna and Luluvera. This is the beginning of the battle between Mothra and Bagan. The film includes two new works by Mothra and Bagan (Mothra vs. Bagan: The Battle of Bagan). The director's cut version of "Minilla's Son": The director's cut version of "Minilla and Radon," a pseudo father-son drama that has been very popular on YouTube. Radon, a young boy, loves Minira like a mother, but the time comes for them to part ways... Merigoji: Gojira Arrives on Holy Night! The three Godzilla brothers and old man Shogo descend as Santa Claus on Christmas Day to look for Kamachi, who has wandered into the human world. Godzilla and his friends deliver presents to monster-loving children all over the world. [Included in the booklet is a 64-page "Kaiju Ningyogeki Gojiban Zukan" (Illustrated Book of Monster Puppets), which features cute photos of the monsters of Goji-Goji Island, interviews with the production staff, and detailed information on the YouTube videos of the first three seasons.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: kaijyu catalog

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

怪獣人形劇 ゴジばん スタンダード・エディション / 特撮

ゴジゴジ島に暮らすゴジラ三兄弟と、仲間の怪獣たちが繰り広げるゆかいで楽しいものがたり。YouTubeで大人気の怪獣人形劇が、ここでしか見られないオリジナルストーリーで初DVD化!! 『怪獣総進撃』さながらの大バトル! 幻の怪獣「バガン」初実写化! など、珠玉の映像が満載!! ここでしか見ることができない撮り下ろしの新作映像を2作品と、ディレクターズカット版、クリスマス・ストーリー! [本編収録内容] ●「地球最大のオール怪獣総進撃」の巻: ゴジゴジ島最大の危機に、ゴジラ三兄弟とゴジゴジ島の怪獣たちが挑む!宿敵キングギドラとの時空を超えた戦い。10体以上の怪獣たちが協力して、「映画 怪獣総進撃」さながらの大バトルが繰り広げられる。 ●「モスラVSバガン 序章」の巻: 幻の怪獣「バガン」が、待望の実写映像で登場!突然、天空がにわかに曇り、小美人ルネ、ルナとルルベラの前に、バガンが出現。モスラVSバガンの因縁の戦いの序章がはじまる。)の2本の新作を収録。 ●「ミニラの息子」の巻 ディレクターズカット版: YouTubeで大好評の「ミニラとラドン」の疑似親子ドラマを、ディレクダースカット版でお届け。幼いラドンは、ミニラのことを母親のように慕っているが、やがてふたりには別れのときが訪れる・・・。 ●「メリゴジ ゴジラが聖夜にやってきた!」の巻: 人間の世界に迷い込んだかまちを探しに、クリスマスの日にゴジラ三兄弟とショゴ爺が、サンタになって舞い降りる。世界中の怪獣好きの子供たちに、ゴジラくんたちがプレゼントをお届けするよ。[封入特典] ゴジゴジ島の怪獣たちのカワイイ写真を中心に、制作スタッフのインタビュー、第1~3シーズンのYouTube配信映像の詳細情報など、読み応え満載の豪華ブックレット「怪獣人形劇 ゴジばん図鑑」(64ページ) 封入。
映像特典: ゴジばん怪獣図鑑 (静止画)(ゴジゴジ島の怪獣たちを、楽しい画像と一緒に紹介)

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