Ranman (Renzoku TV Shosetsu) Complete Edition DVD Box 3

Japanese TV Series

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Release Date January 26, 2024
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Product Details

Catalog No.NSDX-53933
JAN/ISBN 4988066244551
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 5
Label/DistributorNHK Enterprise
Region 2


[Machine Translation] This is the story of a genius botanist, MAKINO Mantaro, who ran through the Meiji era (1868-1912) in full bloom. From the end of the Edo period to the Meiji era, and then to the turbulent Taisho and Showa eras, the film depicts the tumultuous life of the hero, Makino Mantaro, and his wife, Jueko, who single-mindedly and passionately devoted themselves to their beloved plants in the midst of the turmoil of the times, full of joy and discovery. This is the third DVD-BOX of the 108th serial "Ranman". Ryunosuke Kamiki plays the main character, Mantaro Makino, and Minami Hamabe plays the heroine, Keiko Kotobuki. The author is Ikue Osada, who has written NHK's special drama series "Under the Mango Tree ~Luzon Island, Senka no Yakusoku~", "Tabiya Okaeri", premium drama "Imouto Dying", and Drama 10 "Gunsei Ryori", among others. The story is narrated by Aoi Miyazaki, who starred in the TV series "Junjo Kirari" and the historical drama "Atsuhime". The main character's mother, Hisa, is played by Ryoko Hirosue, sister, Aya, by Yui Sakuma, and grandmother, Taki, by Keiko Matsuzaka. The theme song is "Ai no Hana" ("Flower of Love") by Aimyon, a singer-songwriter who enjoys overwhelming support from young people. The lyrics, which describe the power of love, and the warmth of Aimyon's voice gently wrap up the story. --In 1867, at the end of the Edo period, in the village of Sakawa, Tosa. Mantaro is born as the long-awaited heir to a wealthy sake brewer, Mineya. He loved plants and had a cheerful disposition, but he was a frail child. His mother, Hisa, died of illness when he was very young, and he was raised by his grandmother, Taki. Taki wanted to raise Mantaro as a respectable boy, the heir to a prominent family, and enrolled him in Meikyokan, an academy for children of samurai families, but he did not fit in with the children of samurai families and refused to go to school. However, he did not fit in with the samurai children and refused to go to school. However, Ikeda Ranko, the head of the school, taught him about the mysterious ecology of plants, and he learned the joys of learning. Later, Mineya's sake was to be exhibited at an exposition to be held in Tokyo, and the 18-year-old Mantaro, as the head of the family, accompanied Takeo to the flower capital of Tokyo. At the exposition, he had a fateful encounter with Jueko, a confectioner's daughter, and visited Noda and Satonaka, botanists whom he had admired since he was a child, and was greatly inspired. Mantaro returned to Kochi and promised to give up his botanical research and live as the owner of Mineya, but he met John Manjiro who told him, "Life is short, don't regret it," and he told Taki of his desire to devote himself to the botany field. Aoi Miyazaki's name is officially called Tatasaki ( ).

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*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

連続テレビ小説 らんまん 完全版 DVD BOX 3 / TVドラマ

春らんまんの明治の世を天真らんまんに駆け抜けたある天才植物学者・槙野万太郎の物語。時代は幕末から明治、そして激動の大正・昭和へ―混乱の時代の渦中で、愛する植物のために一途に情熱的に突き進んだ主人公・槙野万太郎とその妻・寿恵子の喜びと発見にみちた波乱万丈な生涯を描く。 連続テレビ小説第108作『らんまん』DVD-BOX第3弾。 主人公槙野万太郎を演ずるのは神木隆之介、ヒロイン・寿恵子は浜辺美波。作者は、NHK特集ドラマ『マンゴーの樹の下で~ルソン島、戦火の約束~』『旅屋おかえり』、プレミアムドラマ『すぐ死ぬんだから』、ドラマ10『群青領域』などを執筆した長田育恵。語りは連続テレビ小説『純情きらり』や大河ドラマ『篤姫』で主演を務めた宮崎あおい。主人公の母・ヒサを広末涼子、姉・綾を佐久間由衣、祖母・タキを松坂慶子が演じる。主題歌は、若者の圧倒的な支持を集めるシンガーソングライター・あいみょんの「愛の花」。"愛する力"が綴られた歌詞と温かな歌声が物語を優しく包む。 ――江戸時代末期の慶応3年 (1867)土佐・佐川村。裕福な造り酒屋「峰屋」の待望の跡取りとして生まれた万太郎。植物が大好きで明るい性格だが、虚弱な子どもであった。幼い時に母ヒサを病気で亡くし、祖母・タキの手で育てられる。タキは万太郎を、名家の跡取りとして立派な男子として育てようと、武家の子らが通う学問所・名教館に入れるが、武家の子息たちとは馴染めず登校拒否に。しかし、学頭である池田蘭光から植物の不思議な生態について教えを受け、学ぶ楽しさを知る。その後、東京で開かれる博覧会に峰屋の酒を出品することになり、18歳の万太郎は当主として竹雄を伴い花の都・東京へ出かける。博覧会場で菓子屋の娘・寿恵子と運命の出会いを果たし、また幼い時から憧れていた植物学者、野田や里中を訪ね大きな刺激をうける。高知に戻った万太郎は植物の研究をやめ、峰屋の主として生きることを約束するも、偶然出会ったジョン万次郎に「人生は短い、後悔せんように」と説かれ、植物学の道に身を投じたいという思いをタキにぶつけるのであった。 ※宮崎あおいの崎は立つ崎(たつさき)が正式表記です。

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