
Bashodo: The Original Warabimochi (Japanese Sweet Mochi) Set of 5 Boxes Tanba Black Soybean, Matcha, Black Sesame, Cocoa, Brown Sugar Syrup

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Release Date February 01, 2021
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOFOOD-734
JAN/ISBN 2000001560464
Product Type Food


Set of five different types of Warabimochi (Japanese Sweet Mochi) from Bashodo, a long established shop specializing Warabimochi founded in 1888!

The set includes one box each of the following five flavors! Each box is individually wrapped, making it convenient for a small souvenir.!

[Tanba Black Soybean Kinako Flour]
Includes 1 bag of 200g Warabimochi and 1 bag of 10g Tanba Black Soybean Kinako Flour.

[Matcha Green Tea Kinako Flour]
Includes 1 bag of 200g Warabimochi and 1 bag of 10g Matcha Green Tea Kinako Flour.

[Black Sesame Kinako Flour]
Includes 1 bag of 200g Warabimochi and 1 bag of 10g Black Sesame Kinako Flour.

[Cocoa Soybean Kinako Flour]
Includes 1 bag of 200g Warabimochi and 1 bag of 10g Cocoa Soybean Kinako Flour

[Brown Sugar Syrup]
Includes 1 bag of 200g Warabimochi and 1 bag of 20g Tanba Black Soybean KinakoFlour and 1 bag of 20g Brown Sugar Syrup.

Best By Date: Within 150 days at room temperature

Sugar, starch, bracken-starch dumpling flour, oligosaccharide, processed starch

[Tanba Black Soybean Kinako Flour]
Tanba Black Soybean (made in Japan)

[Matcha Green Tea Kinako Flour]
Tanba Black Soybean (made in Japan), matcha

[Black Sesame Kinako Flour]
Tanba Black Soybean (made in Japan), sesame

[Cocoa Soybean Kinako Flour]
Tanba Black Soybean (made in Japan), cocoa

[Brown Sugar Syrup (w/ Mini Kinako Flour)]
Brown Sugar Syrup: Brown Sugar, sugar, glutinous starch syrup. Tanba Black Soybean (made in Japan) / Mini Kinako Flour: Tanba Black Soybean (made in Japan)

[Allergen Alert]
Kinako Flour (Soy)
Matcha Green Tea Kinako Flour (Soy)
Black Sesame Kinako Flour (Soy Sesame)
Cocoa Soybean Kinako Flour (Soy)
*Manufactured from a factory handling ingredients containing shrimp.

The Secret to its Taste 1: Cooked Over Direct Heat in Copper Pots
There are mainly two ways to make Warabomochi: open-fire cooking or steam cooking.
The steam method is widely used because it is easy to heat evenly and less likely to fail such as burning, while the open-fire cooking method can burn unless the craftsman has skills. It is a difficult technique to handle without experience.

Bashodo's Warabimochi are made with the spirit of traditional rice cake manufacturing method that has been handed down for 150 years since the first year of the Meiji era.

The pot used for the production is a copper pot, known for its good heat conductivity which contributes to the delicious taste of the Japanese sweet mochi.

The Secret to its Taste 2: Maintains Moisture with Instant Sealing
Cooked warabimochi are instantly sealed to keep its moisture and freshness intact. The flavor is retained for a long time, and you can enjoy the freshly cooked mochi when you open the bag, whether it is chilled or warmed.

The Secret to its Taste 3: Original Tanba Black Soybean Kinako Flour
Tanba black soybean kinako flour is an authentic high-grade health food from the old days. Black beans are considered a healthy food along with black sesame seeds and brown rice.The taste of black soybeans varies greatly depending on the place of production, and the Tanba black soybeans produced in the Kansai region in particular are considered a delicacy due to their large size and distinctive taste.

Kinako, made from soybeans, which are known as the "meat of the field", is rich in high-quality protein, minerals such as potassium, calcium, and iron, B vitamins, and dietary fiber. The black color of black soybeans is the color of a type of polyphenol called black bean anthocyanin, which is known for its ability to fight off active oxygen and help maintain good health. In addition, the isoflavones contained in soybeans are known to be very effective in maintaining women's health and beauty.

[Extra Step to Make your Warabimochi even Plumper!]
Enjoy the freshly made taste with these steps.

1. Place the whole bag in boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes until the Warabimochi becomes transparent. Use a strainer basket or something similar to keep the bag from directly touching the bottom of the pot.
2. After heating, immediately cool the bag in ice water for about 15 minutes.
3. Sprinkle half the amount of kinako flour on a plate.
4.Take out the Warabimochi from the bag and place on a plate. Sprinkle the remaining half of the kinako flour on top.
It is easier to cut when the surface of the mochi is evenly coated with kinako flour as the knife will not stick.
5. Cut the Warabimochi into your preferred size
To cut it clean, do not pull the knife towards you, but push it forward.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

元祖 わらび餅 芭蕉堂 5箱セット / 丹波黒豆・抹茶・黒胡麻・ココア・黒蜜

創業明治元年、わらび餅の老舗「菓匠 芭蕉堂」のわらび餅5種類を堪能できるセット!下記の5種の味を各1箱づつセット!1箱づつ包装されているので、ちょっとしたお土産にも便利です。丹波黒豆きな粉 商品内容 / わらび餅200g×1袋、丹波黒豆きな粉10g×1袋抹茶きな粉 商品内容/ わらび餅200g×1袋、抹茶きな粉10g×1袋黒胡麻きな粉 商品内容/ わらび餅200g×1袋、黒胡麻きな粉10g×1袋ココアきな粉 商品内容/ わらび餅200g×1袋、ココアきな粉10g×1袋黒蜜(ミニきな粉付き) 商品内容/ わらび餅200g×1袋、丹波黒豆きな粉5g×1袋、黒蜜20g×1袋【賞味期限】・常温保存で150日間【原材料名】・わらび餅/ 砂糖・澱粉・本わらび粉・オリゴ糖・加工澱粉・きな粉/ 丹波黒豆きな粉(国内産)・抹茶きな粉/ 丹波黒豆きな粉(国内産)、抹茶・黒胡麻きな粉/ 丹波黒豆きな粉(国内産)、ごま・ココアきな粉/ 丹波黒豆きな粉(国内産)、ココア ・黒蜜(ミニきな粉付き)/ 丹波黒豆きな粉(国内産)、<黒糖蜜>黒糖、上白糖、水飴【アレルギー】きな粉(大豆)、抹茶きな粉(大豆)、黒胡麻きな粉(大豆、ごま)、ココアきな粉(大豆)※同じ工場でえびを含んだ原材料を扱っています。■美味しさの秘訣 その1銅釜直火炊きで職人が炊き上げたわらび餅!わらび餅の製造方法には直火炊きと蒸気式と大きく2種類があります。蒸気式は均一に熱が入りやすく、焦がすなどの失敗が無いために広く一般に用いられています。直火炊きは職人さんの技量によって焦がす恐れもあり、熟練の経験がなければ扱いも難しい技法です。芭蕉堂のわらび餅は創業の明治元年から150年に渡り受け継がれた餅菓子製造の伝統製造の精神にのっとり、この直火炊きを採用する事で、わらび餅に強い熱を伝えることができ、コシが強く、粘りがありそれでいて柔らかくプルルンとしたわらび餅を製造することができます。また、その製造に用いる釜は「銅釜」。銅釜は熱の伝導率が良く、わらび餅の美味しさに貢献しております。■美味しさの秘訣 その2 瞬間密封により、みずみずしさを保ちます。炊き上げたわらび餅は、瞬間密封によりそのみずみずしさをそのままに出来立ての美味しさを閉じ込めました。その美味しさは長く保たれ、冷やしても温めても、袋を開けた時に炊きたてのわらび餅をお楽しみいただけます。■美味しさの秘訣 その3ふんわりとしたオリジナルの丹波黒豆きな粉!「丹波黒豆きな粉」は、昔からの本格的高級健康食品であり、黒豆は日本では色の黒いものは価値があるとして尊ばれ、黒胡麻、玄米などと共に健康食品と考えられています。黒豆は、産地によって味が大きく異なり、特に関西地方で生産される丹波黒豆は大粒で特徴ある味で珍味とされています。 畑の肉と言われる大豆から作られたきな粉には、良質のたんぱく質やカリウム、カルシウム、鉄分などのミネラル類、ビタミンB群、食物繊維がたっぷり含まれています。 黒豆の黒い色は、黒豆アントシアニンというポリフェノールの一種の色で、活性酸素を退治して、健康維持に役立つことで知られています。また、大豆に含まれているイソフラボンは、女性の健康と美容の維持に大変有効であることが知られています。■お召し上がり方ひと手間かけてもっとプルプルわらび餅に!出来立ての美味しさを楽しもう1.沸騰したお湯の中に袋ごと入れ、わらび餅が透明になるまで5 - 10分ボイルします。※お鍋等の底に「袋に入ったわらび餅」が直接つかないように網又はかごなどを使い底上げしておきます。2. 1.で温めた後、袋ごとすぐに氷水で15分程冷やします。3.お皿にきな粉(半量)を振りかけておきます。4. 2.のわらび餅を袋から取り出しお皿にのせ、その上に残りのきな粉(半量)をふりかけます。※お餅の表面にまんべんなくきな粉が付いていると切るときに切刃がお餅に付きにくく切り易いです。5.わらび餅をお好みの大きさに切ってお召し上がりください。※引きながら切らずに、押し切ると綺麗に切れます。

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    I did it at home 5

    I did it at home. I followed the recipe and it’s great! I think I missed a step because it doesn’t look similar but I love it. It’s so good!

    people found this helpful
    Delicious 5

    I have only tried the Black Syrup warabimochi but I can already say this is delicious. I know I like Matcha and cocoa flavours already, so doing my best not to eat all 5 boxes immediately! I forgot to try it when I was in Japan 2019, thank you CDJapan for making this product available for overseas!

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