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Nihongo So-Matome (for JLPT) N1 Vocabulary (with English, Chinese and Korean Translation)

Sasaki Kimiko, Matsumoto Noriko

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Release Date March 31, 2010
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-883264
JAN/ISBN 9784872177251
Product Type BOOK
Label/DistributorASK Publishing
Size B5判

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.


[Machine Translation] N1 measures up to a slightly higher level than Level 1 of the exam. The passing line is almost the same as that of Level 1 of the old exam. [Features] /"Character/Vocabulary" is divided into two books, "Kanji" and "Vocabulary," for ease of learning. In "Kanji", you can study "Kanji Vocabulary" at the same time. /By studying "Kanji", "Vocabulary" and "Grammar", students can acquire the language knowledge necessary for entrance exams (including "Reading Comprehension" and "Listening Comprehension"). Kanji learning is based on the displays you see on the street, and other practical and operational skills are also emphasized. Vocabulary and expressions commonly used in daily life, "compound words," "onomatopoeic and mimetic words," "katakana words," and "spoken language," which were not covered much in the previous test, are also actively covered. /In the exercises, questions that reflect the new question format (grammar: "word rearrangement", "sentence grammar", vocabulary: "word formation", etc.) have been included. Other Features: Familiar themes and fun illustrations to promote learning. Translation into three languages (English, Chinese, and Korean) allows for self-study. Easy-to-learn layout with a two-page spread for each topic. In 6 to 8 weeks of study per book, students will be able to complete the minimum required content for the exam.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

日本語総まとめ N1 語彙 [英語・中国語・韓国語版] / 佐々木仁子/著 松本紀子/著

N1は試験の1級よりやや高めのレベルまで測定。合格ラインは旧試験の1級とほぼ同じ。[ 特徴] ◆学習のしやすさを考慮し、「文字・語彙」を「漢字」「語彙」の2冊に分けました。「漢字」では「漢字語彙」の学習も同時にできます。◆「漢字」「語彙」「文法」を学習することで、受験(「読解」「聴解」を含む)に必要な言語知識の習得ができます。◆街で目にする表示で漢字学習など、実用性・運用力養成を重視したつくりになっています。◆日常生活でよく使われる語彙や表現、旧試験では扱いの少なかった「複合語」「擬音語・擬態語」「カタカナ語」「話し言葉」なども積極的に取り上げました。◆練習問題の中に、新しい問題形式を意識した問題(文法:「語の並べ替え」「文章の文法」、語彙:「語形成」など)を入れました。そのほか・・・ ○学習者に身近なテーマ・楽しいイラストで学習を促進。 ○英語・中国語・韓国語の3か国語訳付きで、独習も可能。 ○各項目が見開き2ページにまとまった学習しやすいレイアウト。 ○1冊6~8週で、受験に最低限必要だと思われる学習内容の総仕上げができる。

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