Hi Da Mari No Ki 1 (Shogakukan Bunko)
Tezuka Osamu

Hi Da Mari No Ki 1 (Shogakukan Bunko)

Tezuka Osamu

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Release Date June 28, 1995
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-86375
JAN/ISBN 9784091920515
Product Type BOOK
Pages 325

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.


[Machine Translation] A masterpiece depicting the agony and hope for the coming modern nation at the end of the turbulent Edo period! Manjiro Imutani, a samurai, and Ryoan Tezuka, a doctor, fulfilled their missions while being tossed about by the currents of the times. This is a moving romance at the end of the Edo period that depicts the lives of these two men, while mixing in the author's own roots up to the dawn of the modern nation! In the first volume, the story centers on the encounter between Ryoan and Manjiro, who later become close friends, and the two men's full-fledged steps forward on their own paths. At the same time, the story focuses on the fact that Western medicine had not yet been recognized in the Ansei era and that human lives were being lost because of it. Synopsis: Behind the Koishikawa Dentsuin Temple in Edo, there was an alley called Sanhyaku-zaka. Every morning at 6:30 a.m., the drum of Edo Castle signaled the start of the ascent of the feudal lords and Hatamoto (feudal warlords) to the castle. Among them was Manjiro Ibuya, a samurai who had only been in Edo for four months. Manjiro had been watching a young man running up and down the 300 hill on his way to the castle, and he was curious about him. One day, Dr. Shusaku Chiba, whom Manjiro respected, died, and after an altercation on the night of his death, Manjiro and Hachiro Kiyokawa had a serious fight on the riverbank. The doctor, Tezuka Ryoan, who comes to treat Manjiro's injuries from the fight, is the same young man who had always watched the uprising ( ep. 1 ). Ryoan is having a meal at his favorite soba restaurant when he runs into Manjiro. Ryoan and Manjiro walk down the same street, saying, "I have something to do around here. Both had come to see Oseki, the daughter of the head priest of Zempukuji Temple. They tell Oseki of their feelings for each other, but Oseki's reply is that she will marry the person who will become the head priest of the temple. On the way home, Ryouan is attacked by someone ( ep.2 ). Character Ibuya Manjiro (a retainer of the Matsudaira clan, gifted with a sword). He is a talented swordsman), Tezuka Ryoan (son of a doctor, Tezuka Ryosen. He is a womanizer but a skilled swordsman), Tezuka Ryozen ( Tezuka Ryozen's father, a Dutch doctor. Manjiro's father, Ibuya Chisaburo (episodes 1 and 3), Manjiro's mother (episodes 1 and 3), Oseki (episodes 2 and 8), Taki Seiji (episodes 1 and 8), Yamaoka Tetsutaro (episodes 3 and 5), Harada (episodes 4 and 5), Ogata Koan (episode 4), Fukuzawa Yankichi (episodes 5 and 6), Ushikubo Tohei (episodes 7 and 8) Episode 7, 8 )

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Description in Japanese

陽だまりの樹 1 (小学館文庫) / 手塚治虫

動乱の江戸末期、来たるべき近代国家への苦悩と希望を描いた巨編!!時代の流れに翻弄されつつも、自らの使命を全うした武士・伊武谷万次郎と医師・手塚良庵。二人の男の生き様を軸に、近代国家幕開けまでを作者自らのルーツを折り混ぜながら描いた幕末感動ロマン!! 第1巻では、後に親友となっていく良庵と万次郎の出会いと、それぞれが己の進む道を本格的に歩み始めることを中心に物語が進んでいく。それと同時に、安政時代ではまだ西洋医学が認知されておらず、そのために人の命が失われていたことにも焦点を当てて描かれている。 あらすじ 江戸小石川伝通院裏に、三百坂と呼ばれる路地があった。毎朝6ツ半になると、江戸城の太鼓を合図に、大名、旗本たちの登城が始まった。そしてその中に出仕してまだ4か月の武士、伊武谷万次郎がいた。万次郎は登城の際の、三百坂の早駆けを眺めている一人の若者のことが気になっていた。ある日、万次郎が尊敬している千葉周作先生が死に、痛夜の場で諍いになった万次郎と清河八郎は、河原で真剣勝負をする。この勝負で怪我をした万次郎の治療にやってきた医者・手塚良庵は、いつも登城の様子を眺めていたあの若者だった(第1話)。▼行き付けのそば屋で食事をしていた良庵は、そこで万次郎と偶然再会する。「この近くに用がある」と、同じ道を歩いていく良庵と万次郎。お互い、善福寺の住職の娘、おせきに会いに来ていたのだった。二人はおせきに自分の想いを伝えるが、おせきの返事は「住職になってくれる人と結婚をする」というものだった。その帰り道、良庵は、何者かに襲われてしまう(第2話)。 登場人物 伊武谷万次郎(松平藩の家中。剣の才能に恵まれている)、手塚良庵(医師・手塚良仙の息子。女好きだが、腕は確か)、手塚良仙(良庵の父で、蘭方医。江戸に種痘所を設立する運動をしている) 万次郎の父・伊武谷千三郎(第1、3話)、万次郎の母(第1、3話)、おせき(第2、8話)、多紀誠斉(第1、8話)、山岡鉄太郎(第3、話)、原田(第4、5話)、緒方洪庵(第4話)、福沢愉吉(第5、6話)、丑久保陶兵衛(第7、8話)

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