Soromon No Gekito Gadarukanaru to Sodatsu Wo Meguru Nichi Bei Kido Butai Sorikisen No Zembo (<Rekishi Gunzo> Taiheiyo Senshi Series)

Gakken Marketing

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Release Date June 28, 2007
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-43723
JAN/ISBN 9784056048230
Product Type BOOK
Label/DistributorGakken Marketing
Pages 197

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.

Description in Japanese

ソロモンの激闘 ガダルカナル島争奪を巡る日米機動部隊総力戦の全貌 (<歴史群像>太平洋戦史シリーズ) / Gakken

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