Oishimbo 69 (Big Comics)

Hanasaki Aki Ra / Kari Ya Akira

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Release Date January 28, 1999
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-4085
JAN/ISBN 9784091844897
Product Type BOOK
Pages 203

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.


[Machine Translation] Shiro Yamaoka and Yuko Kurita of the cultural department of Tozai Shimbun take on the challenge of creating the "Ultimate Menu". This is a very popular work that caused a "food" boom! Yuko is pregnant and her taste for food has changed, while Yamaoka is depressed because he can't eat his favorite dish, kusaya. Yamaoka's family is going back to Yuko's parents' house, and Yamaoka and his wife hear the sound of a mobile grocery store passing in front of their house, so they go to check it out. They went to check it out. What they found was a variety of home-grown, misshapen, but safe vegetables that were not sold through the usual distribution channels. Then, housewives who had bought their vegetables from the farmer's market appeared, complaining about the worm-eaten holes in their cabbages. In an attempt to correct their mistaken ideas about vegetables, Yamaoka compares the cucumbers sold at the grocery store with the cucumbers commonly available in the market, and prepares a pickles of each. ( Episode 1 ) Tamayo's friend, Mr. Ohashira, visits the Kurita household with handmade vegetables in hand. She boasts about the quality of her spinach, but Yamaoka disagrees. Yamaoka, who is not convinced that the vegetables are safe, visits Mr. Ohbashira's vegetable garden. He examines the spinach and finds that it contains a large amount of nitrate-nitrogen, which is a substance found in modern vegetables. When taken into the body, it produces a carcinogen called "nitrosamine. Too much nitrogen fertilizer leaves behind nitrate-nitrogen, which is the source of protein production in plants. Vegetables that have consumed more nitrogen than they need will be larger and better looking, but they will still contain nitrate-nitrogen. ( Episode 2 ) Characters Shiro Yamaoka ( A member of the cultural department of the Tozai Shimbun, with vast knowledge of food. Yuko Kurita (a member of the cultural department of the Tozai Shimbun, who is in charge of the "Ultimate Menu" with her husband Yamaoka), and Yuyama Kaihara (a renowned ceramic artist and food explorer, who is also in charge of the "Gastronomy Club"). He is the chairman of "Gastronomy Club" and Yamaoka's father. Yamaoka's father).

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

美味しんぼ 69 (ビッグコミックス) / 雁屋哲 花咲アキラ

「究極のメニユー」作りに挑む、東西新聞社文化部の、山岡士郎と栗田ゆう子。「食」ブームを巻き起こした大人気作!! 妊娠中のゆう子は食べ物の好みが変わってしまい、山岡は大好物のくさやを食べられずに沈みがち。聞けば山岡の周りの男たちも、同じような悩みを抱えていた(第3、4話) あらすじ ゆう子の実家へ帰っていた山岡夫妻は、家の前を生産者直売の移動式八百屋が通り過ぎる音を聞き、早速様子を見に行ってみる。そこで売っていたのは、普通の流通経路には乗らないような、形はいびつだが安全に育てられた自家製の野菜の数々だった。するとそこへ、ここで野菜を買った主婦たちがキャベツの虫食い穴に文句をつけに現れる。彼女たちの野菜に対する間違った考えを正そうと、山岡はその八百屋で売っているキュウリと、一般的に流通しているキュウリの比べるようと、それぞれのぬか漬けを用意する。(第1話)▼たま代の友人・大柱さんが、手作りの野菜を手に栗田家を訪れた。ホウレンソウの出来栄えを自慢するが、山岡はこれに異を唱える。その野菜がとても安全だとは言えないという山岡は、大柱さんの菜園を訪れる。そしてそのホウレンソウを調べてみると最近の野菜が含む硝酸態窒素を大量に含んでいることがわかる。これを体内に取り込むと、「ニトロソアミン」という発ガン物質を作り出すのだ。窒素肥料をやり過ぎると、植物がタンパク質を作る源となる硝酸態窒素が残留してしまう。必要以上の窒素を摂取した野菜ほど、形は大きく見栄えよくなるが、硝酸態窒素を含むのだ。(第2話) 登場人物 山岡士郎(東西新聞文化部員・膨大な食の知識を持つ。東西新聞の壮大な企画「究極のメニュー」の作成を担当)、栗田ゆう子(東西新聞文化部員・夫の山岡とともに「究極のメニュー」を担当する)、海原雄山(名だたる陶芸家にして、食の探求者。「美食倶楽部」主宰。山岡の実父)。

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