Sugoi Iwake! Futamata Giwaku Wo Kakerareta Ryu No

Nakagawa Etsu

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Release Date mid March 2019
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-2342234
JAN/ISBN 9784103524410
Product Type BOOK
Pages 253

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.

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[Machine Translation] The shipment will start around June 20. Suspected of cheating on his wife, running out of money, unable to write a manuscript, or making a mistake with alcohol... The greatest literary giants survived the biggest crisis of their lives with just one brush! The greatest literary giants have overcome the biggest crisis in their lives with a single brush! Read about the "screw-ups" and "weaknesses" of these beloved great writers. Chapter 1: The Excuses of Men and Women in Love Ryunosuke Akutagawa, who risked his life to deny his fiancee's two-timing allegation against him. Oda Sakunosuke The punitive Oda Sakunosuke, who vowed to keep his mistress apart because his remittances to his own wife were in arrears Naoki Sanjuugo, who lost his lover to his best friend and put up with it as best he could Terayama Shuji, who wished a young woman would return to his house on the pretext of teaching her poetry Hagiwara Sakutaro, the maniac who engaged in bizarre apologetic play Yagi Shigekichi, the love monster who tried to prove her innocence to her husband by hiding her double-dealing Fumiko Hayashi Chapter 2: Painful excuses concerning money Mushanokoji Saneatsu, the earnest Haruo Sato, who took great pains to negotiate for a loan Big Mouse, who offered to help his friend to study in Japan with a big mouth The delightful Kan Kikuchi, who asked his best friend for a loan by making up a story The liar Takuboku Ishikawa, who asked for an advance using a keyword to minimize his friend's anxiety Osamu Dazai, the spoiled brat who begged his father for money for his study abroad Kenji Miyazawa Eiji Yoshikawa, the disciplined man who apologized for his rudeness Eiji Yoshikawa, who blamed tools for his inability to reply to his best friend Nakaya Nakahara, who blamed his health for his rudeness in a letter Osamu Dazai, who blamed his physical condition for his rudeness in a letter Ryunosuke Akutagawa, the cautious man who apologized ahead of time for the rudeness of his letters Ryunosuke Sakaguchi, the incorrigible man who painfully refused a court request to appear Ango Sakaguchi, the man who denied the necessity of a foreword when asked to write one Kotaro Takamura, the sorry brother who was embarrassed by his brother's marriage advice Junichiro Tanizaki, the cautious man who refrained from being praised Shuhei Shimazaki, who turned down a request for a memorial essay on the basis of his own way of remembering the deceased Toson Shimazaki, a literary and military master who unexpectedly turned down a request to write calligraphy because of his weakness in calligraphy Ogai Mori Chapter 5 Excuses to overcome the rudeness and blunders he committed Nankichi NIIMI He used the Yokozuna of excuses after making a gaffe due to deep drinking HARAKI AKI KITAHARA Hakushu He skillfully apologized for entering his friend's painting in an art exhibition without permission TAKURO ARISHIMA He made a tricky apology after bothering his best friend with alcohol NAKAHARA Nakaya He was a lovable slacker who explained the reason for his absence in a frank and open manner Ishikawa Takuboku Worried that a thank-you letter might be taken as a sign of demand for a letter of greeting Honest and straightforward Dazai Osamu Realized that criticism is a boomerang and prepared an explanation Terada Torahiko Excuses for Chapter 6 "A Literary Guru" When urged to write a manuscript, he was poetically grateful and apologized for his laziness Kawabata Yasunari When urged to write a manuscript, he persuaded with his beautiful writing Izumi Kyoka The great writer who excused himself by saying that he could not write the manuscript for a perfect reason Shiga Naoya The great writer who was rude when thanking Kawabata Yasunari for his foreword Mishima Yukio The student who provoked a controversy by being shy Edogawa Ranpo The writer who succeeded in winning sympathy with a funny preface in a serious situation Masaoka Shiki The writer who was torn between faith and doubt and hesitated to send his manuscript Dazai Roka, who hesitated to send his manuscript despite admitting that it was inadequate Tokutomi Roka, who accepted a friend's request to bring in a manuscript with caution Kitatomi Tofu, who reflected vehemently that he had misjudged the character of the acquaintance he had introduced to him Shiga Naoya, who even suggested suicide to request a visit from his senior Kobayashi Hideo, who wrote that he would apologize but had forgotten why he should apologize The surrealistic Naka Kansuke Chapter 7 The Excuses of Natsume Soseki, the Master of Excuses Natsume Soseki, the pompous debtor who decided on his own repayment plan and due date Natsume Soseki, who was always kind when complaining to his wife Natsume Soseki, who was sick on his bed, who humbly accepted a request from an unknown person to visit him Natsume Soseki, the technician who expressed his love for his wife with a rude apology Natsume Soseki, the cheat who hid his rudeness by using another rude manner Natsume Soseki, the cheat who limited the scope of his remorse after his letter was stolen Natsume Soseki, the cheat who brought up God when he was urged to contribute by a poetry club Soseki Natsume, who cleverly included a furious rebuttal to an unjust complaint

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Description in Japanese

すごい言い訳! 二股疑惑をかけられた龍之介、税を誤魔化そうとした漱石 / 中川越/著

※6月20日前後入荷予定分からの出荷となります。予めご了承ください 浮気を疑われている、生活費が底をついた、原稿が書けない、酒で失敗をやらかした...。人生最大のピンチを文豪たちは筆一本で乗り切った!愛すべき文豪の「ダメぶり」と「弱さ」を読む。第一章 男と女の恋の言い訳 フィアンセに二股疑惑をかけられ命がけで否定した 芥川龍之介 禁じられた恋人にメルヘンチックに連絡した 北原白秋 下心アリアリのデートの誘いをスマートに断った言い訳の巨匠 樋口一葉 悲惨な環境にあえぐ恋人を励ますしかなかった無力な 小林多喜二 自虐的な結婚通知で祝福を勝ち取った 織田作之助 本妻への送金が滞り愛人との絶縁を誓った罰当たり 直木三十五 恋人を親友に奪われ精一杯やせ我慢した 寺山修司 歌の指導にかこつけて若い女性の再訪を願った 萩原朔太郎 奇妙な謝罪プレーに勤しんだマニア 谷崎潤一郎 へんな理由を根拠に恋人の写真を欲しがった 八木重吉 二心を隠して夫に潔白を証明しようとした恋のモンスター 林芙美子第二章 お金にまつわる苦しい言い訳 借金を申し込むときもわがままだった 武者小路実篤 ギャラの交渉に苦心惨憺した生真面目な 佐藤春夫 脅迫しながら学費の援助を求めたしたたかな 若山牧水 ビッグマウスで留学の援助を申し出た愉快な 菊池寛 作り話で親友に借金を申し込んだ嘘つき 石川啄木 相手の不安を小さくするキーワードを使って前借りを頼んだ 太宰治 父親に遊学の費用をおねだりした甘えん坊 宮沢賢治第三章 手紙の無作法を詫びる言い訳 それほど失礼ではない手紙をていねいに詫びた律儀な 吉川英治 親友に返信できなかった訳をツールのせいにした 中原中也 手紙の失礼を体調のせいにしてお茶を濁した 太宰治 譲れないこだわりを反省の言葉にこめた 室生犀星 先輩作家への擦り寄り疑惑を執拗に否定した 横光利一 親バカな招待状を親バカを自覚して書いた 福沢諭吉 手紙の無作法を先回りして詫びた用心深い 芥川龍之介第四章 依頼を断るときの上手い言い訳 裁判所からの出頭要請を痛快に断った無頼派 坂口安吾 序文を頼まれその必要性を否定した 高村光太郎 弟からの結婚相談に困り果てた気の毒な兄 谷崎潤一郎 もてはやされることを遠慮した慎重居士 藤沢周平 独自の偲び方を盾に追悼文の依頼を断った 島崎藤村 意外に書が弱点で揮毫を断った文武の傑物 森鴎外第五章 やらかした失礼・失態を乗り切る言い訳 共犯者をかばうつもりが逆効果になった粗忽者 山田風太郎 息子の粗相を半分近所の子供のせいにした親バカ 阿川弘之 先輩の逆鱗に触れ反省に反論を潜ませた 新美南吉 深酒で失言して言い訳の横綱を利用した 北原白秋 友人の絵を無断で美術展に応募して巧みに詫びた 有島武郎 酒で親友に迷惑をかけてトリッキーに詫びた 中原中也 無沙汰の理由を開き直って説明した憎めない怠け者 若山牧水 物心の支援者への無沙汰を斬新に詫びた 石川啄木 礼状が催促のサインと思われないか心配した 尾崎紅葉 怒れる友人に自分の非を認め詫びた素直な 太宰治 批判はブーメランと気づいて釈明を準備した 寺田寅彦第六章 「文豪あるある」の言い訳 原稿を催促され詩的に恐縮し怠惰を詫びた 川端康成 原稿を催促され美文で説き伏せた 泉鏡花 カンペキな理由で原稿が書けないと言い逃れた大御所 志賀直哉 川端康成に序文をもらいお礼する際に失礼を犯した 三島由紀夫 遠慮深く挑発し論争を仕掛けた万年書生 江戸川乱歩 深刻な状況なのに滑稽な前置きで同情を買うことに成功した 正岡子規 信と疑の間で悩み原稿の送付をためらった 太宰治 不十分な原稿と認めながらも一ミリも悪びれない 徳冨蘆花 友人に原稿の持ち込みを頼まれ注意深く引き受けた 北杜夫 紹介した知人の人品を見誤っていたと猛省した 志賀直哉 先輩に面会を願うために自殺まで仄めかした物騒な 小林秀雄 謝りたいけれど謝る理由を忘れたと書いたシュールな 中勘助第七章 エクスキューズの達人・夏目漱石の言い訳 納税を誤魔化そうと企んで叱られシュンとした 夏目漱石 返済計画と完済期限を勝手に決めた偉そうな債務者 夏目漱石 妻に文句を言うときいつになく優しかった病床の 夏目漱石 未知の人の面会依頼をへっぴり腰で受け入れた 夏目漱石 失礼な詫び方で信愛を表現したテクニシャン 夏目漱石 宛名の誤記の失礼を別の失礼でうまく隠したズルい 夏目漱石 預かった手紙を盗まれ反省の範囲を面白く限定した 夏目漱石 句会から投稿を催促され神様を持ち出したズルい 夏目漱石 不当な苦情に対して巧みに猛烈な反駁を盛り込んだ 夏目漱石

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    第1章 男と女の恋の言い訳
    第2章 お金にまつわる苦しい言い訳
    第3章 手紙の無作法を詫びる言い訳
    第4章 依頼を断るときの上手い言い訳
    第5章 やらかした失礼・失態を乗り切る言い訳
    第6章 「文豪あるある」の言い訳
    第7章 エクスキューズの達人・夏目漱石の言い訳

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