DreamNavi March 2015 Issue


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Release Date January 17, 2015
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-1761099
Product Type BOOK

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.


[Machine Translation] [Special Feature 1] / How to praise and encourage your child to improve his or her academic performance through positive reinforcement. How to praise and encourage your child / Case-by-case praise and encouragement / Change the way you look at your child / Introduction of books on praise and encouragement [Feature 2] / Perfect Mastery of Novels and Stories! How to help your child learn how to write stories and novels. [Special Feature 3] / Kids in the early grades -Ask a mother of a senior high school student about her child's OK and NG habits -Ask a professional about the home environment of a "growing child" -Six habits to acquire -Ask Mr. Wada, principal of Nada Junior High School and Senior High School, about his child's early grades Ask an adult how to make dreams come true Ryohei Shiraoka (President, Nize Medical Corporation) "I want to change the current state of medical care for children" ....... etc.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

DreamNavi 2015年3月号 / ナガセ

[特集1] ●ポジティブな声かけで学力アップ 我が子を変える ほめ方・励まし方 ・やる気にさせる声かけの極意! ・ケース別 ほめ方・励まし方 ・我が子へのまなざしを変えてみよう ・ほめ方の指南書を一挙紹介 [特集2] ●小説・物語文をパーフェクトマスター! ・物語文が不得意な子はココでつまずいている ・まずはココから始めよう! [特集3] ●低学年で身についておきたい生活主幹 ・高学年の母に聞く うちの子のOK習慣・NG習慣 ・プロに聞く “伸びる子”の家庭環境 ・身につけてほしい6つの習慣 ・灘中学校・高等学校の和田校長先生に聞く 我が子の低学年時代 ◆夢のかなえかたを大人に聞いてみました 白岡亮平氏(医療法人社団ナイズ理事長) 「子どもたちのために医療の現状を変えていきたい」 ...ほか

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