NHK Radio Jissen Business Eigo 2014 November Issue

NHK Shuppan

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Release Date October 14, 2014
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-1719023
Product Type BOOK
Label/DistributorNHK SYUPPAN

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.


[Machine Translation] *Level C1 Understands a wide range of complex topics, uses appropriate language for the purpose, and can formulate logical arguments and discussions, Topics closely related to work and daily life will be covered. The focus will be on the "ability to make small talk". The focus will be on "the ability to chat", aiming for the ability to chat in both on- and off-business situations. The setting is GLS Health and Beauty Company ( H&B ), a New York company that deals with beauty and health products. The main character is Seishi Umemura who is dispatched from Japan to the company. The main character is Seishi Umemura, who has been dispatched from Japan to the company. Through conversations between him and his colleagues in the office, the students will learn practical English. This year, an Englishman dispatched from the London office will join the class, and students will learn the differences between English and American languages. ( New Item ) / Vignette of the Month - Recently in the U.S., there has been a series of public apologies from companies regarding defective products. The CEO of H&B asks Paul Pearson and his team to analyze the apology so that if he is forced to apologize for something in the future, he will not make things worse by making a bad press conference. A Word to the Wise A Word of Advice / Analyzing Public Apologies ... et al.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

NHKラジオ実践ビジネス英語 2014年11月号 / NHK出版

*レベルC1 広範で複雑な話題を理解して、目的に合った適切な言葉を使い、論理的な主張 や議論を組み立てることができる ◎最新トピックスに触れながら学ぶ オンビジネス・オフビジネスでの実用英語 ―英語圏におけるビジネスの常識や最先端の情報を背景に、仕事や日常生活と密接に 係わるトピックを扱います。注目するのは「雑談力」。オンでもオフビジネスでも 雑談ができる英語力を目指します。 ◆舞台は、美容・健康関連商品を扱う、ニューヨークの企業 GLS Health and Beauty Company(H&B)。 主人公は日本から同社に派遣された梅村聖四。彼とオフィス内で交わされる同僚たち との会話を通して実践的な英語を学びます。 今年度はロンドン・オフィスから派遣 されたイギリス人が加わり、英・米両語の違いも学習していきます。 (☆新作) ●今月のビニェット ―最近アメリカでは、欠陥商品などに関する企業の公式謝罪が相次いでいます。 H&BのCEOは、将来何かについて謝罪せざるえなくなったら際に、謝罪会見が まずくて事態を悪化させることがないようにと、ポール・ピアソンたちに謝罪の 分析を依頼します。 ◇A Word to the Wise 助言をひと言 ◇Analyzing Public Apologies 謝罪を分析する ...ほか

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