Wa, Ureshi. Sekaichi Kantan De Oishi 100 En Oyatsu 150 Hin New Edition (Shufu No Tomo Seikatsu Series)


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Release Date June 07, 2013
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-1506903
JAN/ISBN 9784072894200
Product Type BOOK
Pages 82

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.

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[Machine Translation] 150 easy and inexpensive products. No oven required. Easy recipes that can be made with familiar tools and ingredients, such as mixing, cooling, and baking in a frying pan. There are also a lot of pancake mix snacks. Easy to make without special tools such as an oven, and the ingredients cost less than 100 yen! We have collected 150 such delightful snacks. For safety and peace of mind, homemade is the way to go. But I'm not good at making sweets..." This book is recommended for those who are not good at making sweets. Part 1 is "Snacks made with pancake mix". Part 2 is "Hot Snacks", which features popular snacks such as donuts, omelette cakes, and crepes. Part 3 is "Everyday Snacks You Can Make Right Now. Part 3 is "Everyday snacks you can make right away," introducing a wide range of snacks from fruits and vegetables such as bananas, apples, and sweet potatoes to cool desserts such as jelly and agar agar. There is also a bonus section on non-sweet snacks that can also be used as a light meal.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

わっ、うれしい。世界一かんたんでおいしい100円おやつ150品 新装版 (主婦の友生活シリーズ) / 主婦の友社

とにかく簡単&安上がりの150品。オーブン不要。まぜて冷やす、フライパンで焼くだけなど、身近な道具と材料で作れるお手軽レシピ。ホットケーキミックスのおやつも満載。オーブンなどの特別な道具を使わず簡単に作れて、しかも材料費は100円以下! そんなうれしいおやつを150品集めました。安心・安全を求めるならやっぱり手作り。でも、「お菓子作りは得意じゃなくて…」そんな人にこそ、おすすめの1冊。フライパンで焼くだけ、まぜて冷やすだけ、電子レンジでチンするだけなど、気軽にチャレンジできるおやつばかりをご紹介。Part1は「ホットケーキミックスで作るおやつ」。ドーナツやオムレツケーキ、クレープなど、人気のおやつが簡単に作れます。Part2は「いま話題のおやつ」。ホットプレートで焼けるロールケーキやヨーグルトを利用したヘルシーなレアチーズケーキなど、おもてなしにも活躍するおしゃれなデザートがいっぱい。Part3は「いますぐ作れる毎日のおやつ」。バナナやりんご、さつまいもなど果物&野菜のおやつから、ゼリーや寒天の冷んやりデザートまで幅広くご紹介しています。軽食にもなる甘くないおやつもおまけで掲載。

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