Mirrors Complete Edition


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Release Date July 03, 2009
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Product Details

Catalog No.FXBA-37247
JAN/ISBN 4988142745422
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Color Color
Running Time 112minutes
Original Release Year 2008
Encoding MPEG-2
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9LB Cinemascope
Region 2
Subtitles English Japanese
Audio Track English 5.1ch Surround
Japanese 5.1ch Surround


[Machine Translation] Smash hit in theaters! 24 -TWENTY FOUR- starring Kiefer Sutherland! A shocking suspense action film with a 0% predictability rate for the last scene! Kiefer Sutherland, who took time out of his busy "24" schedule to star in the film, also serves as the executive producer. This is a mystery that takes the familiar "mirror" as its motif and unravels the shocking truth hidden behind the mirror. --Ben, a former detective, is asked to work as a night watchman at a department store on New York's Sixth Avenue that has been destroyed by a major fire. From that moment on, he is trapped in a terrible fate from which there is no escape... Suddenly, strange images and messages appear in the mirror. A series of unexplained deaths. The cursed past of a burned-out department store. Eventually, the existence of a young girl emerges. Ben must unravel the abominable secret surrounding the mirror, putting even his beloved family in danger.
*Rated 15-and-over.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: unreleased scenes, another ending with audio commentary by the director, making-of footage, and more

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

ミラーズ 完全版 / 洋画

劇場公開スマッシュヒット! 「24 -TWENTY FOUR-」キーファー・サザーランド主演! ラストシーン予測的中率0%の震撼サスペンス・アクション!! 「24」の多忙なスケジュールの合間をぬってキーファー自身が出演を熱望、製作総指揮もつとめる。誰にとっても身近な"鏡"をモチーフに、鏡の裏に隠された衝撃の事実を解明していく謎解きミステリー。――ニューヨーク6番街にある大火災で廃屋と化したデパートの夜警を依頼された元刑事のベンは、警備中にその建物の中にある不気味な鏡に触れてしまう。その瞬間から逃れようのない恐るべき運命に囚われてしまうのだった・・・。突如として鏡に映る奇怪なイメージやメッセージ。続発する原因不明の死亡事件。焼けただれたデパートの呪われた過去。やがて浮かび上がる一人の少女の存在。最愛の家族まで危険にさらしてしまうベンは、鏡をめぐる忌まわしい秘密を解き明かさねばならなくなる。
未公開シーン集&もうひとつのエンディング(監督による音声解説付き)、メイキング・オブ・「ミラーズ」、鏡の世界: その存在と歴史

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