Shin Jinginaki Tatakai (Battles Without Honor and Humanity) / Bosatsu

Japanese Movie

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Release Date August 08, 2003
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Product Details

Catalog No.DSTD-2202
JAN/ISBN 4988101105199
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Label/DistributorToei video
Color Color
Running Time 110minutes
Original Release Year 2003
Data Format DVD Video
Encoding MPEG-2
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9LB
Region 2
Audio Track Japanese Dolby Digital Surround


A Yakuza movie in the tradition of director Kinji Fukasaku's films. The disc is picture-labeled. Also available on VHS.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: bonus extras expected

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

新 仁義なき戦い/謀殺 / 邦画

深作"暴力"に迫る会心作のDVD登場!! 高橋克典のインテリやくざ、やくざ映画初主演で狂犬ぶりを熱演した渡辺謙、あの金子信雄を思わせる小林稔侍、さらに個性派脇役陣が加わり、"深作仁義"を見事に踏襲。東映やくざ映画の存在を知らしめた新人・橋本一監督にとっての映画デビューは深作監督への堂々の追悼作となった。さらにトレンディードラマで人気の坂口憲二がヒットマン役で映画デビューを飾り、東京スカパラダイスオーケストラが名曲"仁義のテーマ"で盛り上げる!! ピクチャーレーベル仕様。
製作発表記者会見、高橋克典・渡辺謙 in 東映京都撮影所、第15回東京国際映画祭公式記者会見、初日舞台挨拶、他

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    Customer Reviews

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    enjoyable 4

    as a movie of the yakuza genre, the action is decent but not nearly as good as the Fukasaku's yakuza papers in 1973-1974. however, shin jingi naki tatakai:bousatsu makes up for that with brilliant acting, takahashi is convincing as the the business-like yahagi, while watanabe delivers his best as the short-fused and violent fujimaki. the storyline is as convoluted as can be but when the curtain's drawn, everything falls into place without much confusion. this is a movie that focuses more on the political games than fast-paced actions and if you enjoy a movie that plays with one conspiracy after another, you'll love this one. very envjoyable.

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    Exelente pelicula 5

    Muy buena pelicula de un gran director junto con el soundtrack se completa la coleccion de este exelente titulo

    people found this helpful

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