CD Album



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Release Date September 20, 2006
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Product Details

Catalog No.DAKTRLV-1003
JAN/ISBN 4948722294658
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1



[Machine Translation] This is the second single from LIV's independent label. The title track "Kinmokusei" is an impressive autumnal number with the positive lyrics "It's never too late to be happy" in the chorus. The cool HIPHOP-like sound is a complete change from the intense sound image of LIV's previous songs. The guitar arpeggio loops and naturalistic sing-along laps sound pleasant. The c/w is a song "Hoshi no Kakera (Piece of a Star)," which is a continuation of the acoustic guitar performance from the previous album. In this song, Oshio wrote the lyrics from a woman's point of view as a new experiment. The vocals are so vivid that it is almost as if she is singing right in front of you. Annoying people" and "DIE#2" are an extension of LIV's sound, and are finished as pop tunes that are sure to be a hit at live performances. Mastering was done by LEON ZERVOS of Sterling Sound. The wide range of the mix is truly world standard. The album was shot on location in Australia for the first time for the jacket shoot. The jacket, shot under the magnificent nature and beautiful sky, is also a must-see.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

キンモクセイ / LIV

LIVの自主レーベル第2弾シングル。タイトル曲「キンモクセイ」は「幸せになるのに遅すぎることはない」というポジティブなサビの歌詞が印象的な秋らしいナンバー。これまでのLIVの激しいサウンドイメージからガラリと変わったHIPHOP的なクールなサウンド。ギターのアルペジオのループに自然体のシンギンラップが心地良く響く。女性コーラスとの絡みも美しくLIVの新境地が垣間見える作品に仕上がった。c/wには前作に引き続きアコースティックギターでの弾き語りの「星のカケラ」を収録。この曲では新たな試みとして、押尾が女性の視点での作詞をしている。まるで目前で歌っているかのような生々しいボーカルにも注目。「annoying people」「DIE#2」はこれまでのLIVサウンドの延長線上にある作品で、ライブで盛り上がること必至のPOP TUNEに仕上がっている。マスタリングは前作に引き続きスターリングサウンドのLEON ZERVOSが手掛けた。ワイドでレンジの広いMIXはまさに世界標準。また、今回はジャケット撮影のため、初の海外オーストラリアロケを慣行した。壮大な自然と美しい空の下で撮影されたジャケットも必見。

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    星のカケラ / LIV
    annoying people / LIV

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      Customer Reviews

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      KINMOKUSEI single 5

      Kinmokusei is one of the coolest and most beautiful song I have ever heard.The other songs are great too; 'Annoying People' is very fast and Punk!!!

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