CD Album

Primary Dream

Anti Social Student

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Release Date April 06, 2011
Availability Backorder:Usually ships in 2-4 weeks
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Product Details

Catalog No.DAKRX-40
JAN/ISBN 4948722422563
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1


[Machine Translation] Three years have passed since the release of their first album "FUTURE". While their friends who have spent time together at live houses are leaving the band one after another for various reasons, Anti Social Student continues to be at the forefront of live house activities. They have not forgotten the impact they had over 10 years ago, and they have created this album with the same feelings as back then and with a passion that surpasses those days, in order to convey the sound they felt to their audience. The result is an uncompromising work of art that screams love, dreams, hope, anger, and everything else we have. This album is a true testament to the band's commitment to their primary (first and most important) dream. This album is the result of almost two years of work since their last album, Milky Way. During this long period of time, the three of us have experienced a lot, worried more than anyone else, and worked hard and earnestly on the music. We spent 11 months on the recording of this album, and we went through a lot of trial and error to create each song. The members and engineers did a great job. All 15 songs are really our weapon! We have been doing what we think is cool for the past 2 years to create the best song. This album is the most original album we have ever done. This album is the most original album I have ever made. The first time I encountered punk music. The things that remain in the core of my being. It's filled with a lot of these things. I challenge myself in many ways and take many approaches. This is the anti-social student. Takumi Kokutani / Guitar.Vo. formed in Hachioji in October 2004. Their long-awaited 1st album "FUTURE" was released from RX-RECORDS in May 2008. They have been actively performing in the Kanto area, including a SOLD OUT performance at Shimokitazawa SHELTER at the TOURFINAL and a SOLD OUT performance at Koenji High at "Shonen Riot GIG09", a joint project with their ally, SORRY FOR A FROG. 2

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

Primary Dream / Anti Social Student

1st ALBUM 「FUTURE」のリリースから早3年の月日が経とうとしている。 一緒にLIVEハウスで過ごしてきた仲間達が、様々な理由で次々と、脱退、解散とBANDを辞めていく状況のなか、 常にLIVEハウスの最前線で活動を続けるAnti Social Student。 10年以上前に受けた衝撃を忘れず、自分達の感じたその音をオーディエンスに伝えるべく、あの頃と変わらぬ気持ちと、 あの頃を越える熱量で創り出された今作は、11ヶ月に及ぶ長期レコーディングで1曲1曲を磨き、愛・夢・希望・怒り、 持てる全てをこの15曲に叫んだ、妥協の一切無い作品となった。 Primary(最初の、大切な)夢を忘れない、まさに、このアルバムは彼等自身の生き様と言っても過言ではない。このアルバムは前作のMilky Wayから約2年の歳月をかけて出来上がりました。この長い期間の間、3人でたくさんの経験をし、人一倍悩んで、音楽に対し真摯に切磋琢磨してきました。 今作はレコーディングに11ヶ月の期間を設けて、一曲一曲何度も試行錯誤を重ね作り上げました。 メンバー、エンジニアともに最高の仕事をしてくれました。本当に15曲すべてが僕達の武器なんです!逆にアルバムのための曲は1曲もなく、この2年間常に最高の1曲を作るために自分達がかっこいいと思う事をやり続けてきました。今作が今までのアルバムで一番オリジナリティを発揮できていて。僕が25年の人生の中で受けた音楽に対しての感動や衝撃。はじめてパンクと言うものに出会った時の事。体の芯に残ってるもの。そんなのがたくさん詰まっています。 色んなチャレンジをして、たくさんのアプローチ。 攻めの姿勢、これがアンチソーシャルステューデント。「胸のドキドキが止まらない」それが僕達の真骨頂。Takumi Kokutani / Guitar.Vo.2004年10月八王子にて結成 。ライブハウス、indiesmusic.comなどでDEMO CDが話題を呼び、 2008年5月にRX-RECORDSより、待望の1stアルバム「FUTURE」をリリース。 TOURFINAL 下北沢SHELTERをSOLD OUT、盟友SORRY FOR A FROGとの合同企画『少年暴動GIG09』を高円寺High にてSOLD OUTさせるなど、関東を中心に勢力的にLIVE活動を行う。 2

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