CD Album

Dos City

Dos Monos

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Release Date March 20, 2019
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Product Details

Catalog No.DAKBPMT-1013
JAN/ISBN 4544719031147
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1



[Machine Translation] Dos Monos, the bug that suddenly appeared in the Tokyo hip-hop scene, has finally released a full-length album! After successful live performances in South Korea and France, and signing with the American label "Deathbomb Arc", Dos Monos has now released his first full-length album! Dos Monos is a 3-piece HIP HOP unit that has been rapidly gaining attention here in Japan after becoming the first Japanese to sign with Deathbomb Arc, the LA label that releases Deeath Grips and JPEGMAFIA, etc. The MC and track maker, Shouko it, has provided songs to Taichi Mukai, DATS, yahyel, etc. and is a newcomer to the scene. Dos Monos is an up-and-coming producer who has provided songs to Taichi Mukai, DATS, yahyel, and others, and they also became the talk of the town when they appeared as guest rappers on the DATS stage at FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'17 with TAITAN MAN, who also serves as MC. Although they have been highly supported not only by the music world but also by the art and fashion industries since early on, their true identity was still shrouded in mystery, with only a few songs and a few interviews distributed on the Internet. The video "in 20XX," which was distributed prior to the film, was produced by Sunao Watanabe, who has produced music videos for such artists as Campanella on Wednesday and Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, and it created intense images that seem to be a combination of all kinds of modern "bugs" and "cyberpunk," hijacking the senses of the viewer. In September 2018, they collaborated with Masanori Tominaga, a film director known for works such as "Pavilion Sanshojo," and their short film "PLAN B," a program provided by BEAMS on Space Shower TV, and their momentum shows no sign of slowing down. Their long-awaited first album, "PLAN B," is a more modern update of their long-established free jazz and progressive rock elements, as well as beats that emphasize "twists" and "gaps," reminiscent of retro video game music. The album is further modernized with tracks such as "Schizo Indian," in which a thick boom-bap beat rises from the sound of a weirdly echoing saxophone, "Agartha," in which words are packed into a chill beat with a flute, and "Clean Ya Nerves," which is the key to the album, pushing forward as if to twist the subtlety of free jazz with the beat. The album is centered around songs such as "Agartha", which is the cornerstone of the album, and "Clean Ya Nerves", which is the key to the album.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

Dos City / Dos Monos

東京のヒップホップシーンに突如出現したバグ「Dos Monos」が遂にフルアルバムをリリース!韓国、フランスでのライブを成功させ、アメリカのレーベル”Deathbomb Arc”と契約するなど注目され続けてきたアーティストが放つ問題作!2018年5月に日本人として初めてDeeath GripsやJPEGMAFIAなどをリリースするLAのレーベル"Deathbomb Arc"と契約したことでここ日本でも近年急速に注目度を高めている3人組HIP HOPユニット「Dos Monos」。MC兼トラックメイカーである「荘子it」は向井太一やDATS、yahyel等にも楽曲を提供するなど新進気鋭のプロデューサーとしても活躍しており、同じくMCを担当する「TAITAN MAN」と共にFUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'17においてDATSのステージにゲストラッパーとして出演したことでも話題となった。早くから音楽の世界だけにとらわれずアートやファッション業界からも高い支持を得ている彼らだが、ネット上に配信されたごく僅かな楽曲といくつかのインタビュー記事のみでしかその存在を知ることは出来ず、その正体はまだまだ謎に包まれていた。水曜日のカンパネラ、東京スカパラダイスオーケストラなどのMVを手がける渡邉直が映像を担当し、本作に先駆けて配信された「in 20XX」では、ありとあらゆる現代の"バグ"と"サイバーパンク"を掛け合わせたかのような強烈な映像を生み出し、体験者の五感をジャック。また2018年9月には「パビリオン山椒魚」などの作品で知られる映画監督の冨永昌敬と彼らのコラボ短編映画がスペースシャワーTVのBEAMSによる提供番組「PLAN B」にて公開されるなど、その勢いはとどまるところを知らない。そんな彼らの待望の1stアルバムとなる本作、かねてから定評のあるフリージャズやプログレの要素に加えレトロゲーム音楽なども感じさせる"捻じれ"や"ズレ"を強調したビートは、更に現代的にアップデート。怪しく鳴り響くサックスの音色から図太いブーンバップなビートが立ち昇る「スキゾインディアン」や、フルートが鳴るチルなビートに言葉を詰め込む「アガルタ」、フリージャズの繊細さをビートでねじ伏せるかの如く突き進み本作の要ともいえる「Clean Ya Nerves」などの楽曲を中心に、アルバムの世界観を補強するスキ

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