CHARA FINE GRAPH (Framed-illustrations)

With CHARA FINE GRAPH, a printing technology developed by CANON, beautiful illustrations of "Tenki no Ko" are faithfully replicated at the high-quality you've ever seen.
In addition to that, fine art printing is applied to these illustrations (using a digital lithography method and 12 pigment based inks) to pursue the highest quality. Each piece will be carefully framed and serial-numbered.

Each will be an art piece that colors your room and it must remind you of various scenes of the movie.

Size: A3

Size: B2

Unboxing Video Added

Size: B5

Music Box

Contains the main themes of "Tenki no Ko," "Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?" and "Grand Escape."


What's CDJapan Proxy Shopping Service?

As your reliable personal shopper, we buy products sold in Japan instead of you with some handling fees. All you have to do is just request us and tell us a link to the product you want.
If you want "Weathering With You" related items NOT listed here, you can order it through our proxy shopping service.

Direct Link to CDJapan Proxy Shopping Service

Important Notes About Proxy Shopping Service

This is the item requested through our Proxy Shopping Service, and please note the followings before you purchase it.

1. Cancellation and return will NOT be possible after you order this product.

2. Service fees will be added, which will be displayed as "Standard Fee" and "Service Fee" in Order Summary.

3. Payment method is limited to credit card or PayPal.
*Orders using other payment methods will be canceled.

4. Additional shipping fees will be charged after we get information on procurement cost and the actual weight. You will receive an email telling about the details.
*You may be refunded or NOT be charged in some cases.

Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko) Related Items

Bundled Sets with Exclusive Collectible Items [Proxy Shopping]

Lots of shops in Japan are offering various bundled editions of "Weathering With You" Blu-ray/DVD. This page has compiled a list of the bundled editions so that you can grab a whole picture. Plus, we've added links to their product pages so that you can place your order through our proxy shopping service.

Complete List of "Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko)" Blu-ray & DVD Bundled Sets [Proxy Shopping Feature]

Weathering With You "Regular" Editions

We of course are offering "regular" editions of "Weathering With You" Blu-ray/DVD. If you are not interested in exclusive bonus collectibles above, visit the following feature page.

[DVD/BD Added] "Weathering With You" by Makoto Shinkai