Saihate no Yojinbo [4K Restored Edition]


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Release Date August 19, 2020
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Product Details

Catalog No.KIBF-1813
JAN/ISBN 4988003864460
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Label/DistributorKing Records
Color Color
Running Time 201minutes
Original Release Year 1966
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 Scope
Region 2
Subtitles Japanese
Audio Track English Dolby Digital Monaural
Japanese Dolby Digital Monaural
Italian Dolby Digital Monaural


[Machine Translation] The Macaroni Nobleman. The world's first and latest 4K restored version of the early masterpiece by Giuliano Gemma, aka "Ringo" from "The Apples" (Sequel to "A Dollar in the Wilderness") is now available! The long-awaited Japanese dubbed version (Gemma=Nachi Nozawa) is included on the disc for the first time! Giuliano Gemma, who starred in "The Sunset Boss", "A Dollar in the Wilderness", and "The Wandering Loner" the previous year (1965), exploded in popularity with consecutive hits, and teamed up again with "A Dollar in the Wilderness" director Calvin J. Paget for this ambitious film. The lynching scene in which Gemma's eyes are burned out is literally the "highlight" of the film! The melancholy harmonica by master musicians Morricone and Ferio, and the stylish direction of the last scene will make you weep! This is one of the favorite films of Quentin Tarantino, who is known as a macaroni western lover. --The film is set in the U.S. at the end of the Civil War. Confederate Lieutenant Gary ( Giuliano Gemma ) is taken prisoner by the Union Army, and in order to save his Confederate comrades, he takes on the role of guiding Union Captain Lefebvre and Sergeant Pitt on their way to deliver a secret letter to the Confederacy, calling off their surprise attack on Fort Yuma. On the way, however, they are attacked by Riggs, a bandit, and Pitt is killed. Gary, who has doubts about the cause of death, takes the secret book from Lefebvre and rushes ahead, but he ends up being accused of killing the sergeant and hunted down. Cornered in the river, Gary quickly hides the secret book in the travel bag of a stranded singer, Connie ( Sophie Daumier ), but Lefebvre shoots him and he disappears into the river. Aided by a kindly old man, Gary secretly visits Connie's bar and tries to recover the secret book, but Riggs and his friends capture him and lynch him in a fiery quarry, where they burn his eyes out...
Special Feature / Bonus Track: bonus video footage

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*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

さいはての用心棒 <4Kレストア版> / 洋画

マカロニ貴公子。『続・荒野の1ドル銀貨』の"リンゴ"ことジュリアーノ・ジェンマの初期名作が世界初・最新4Kレストア版で登場! 待望の日本語吹替版 (ジェンマ=野沢那智)ディスク初収録!! 前年 (65年)に主演した『夕陽の用心棒』『荒野の1ドル銀貨』『続・荒野の1ドル銀貨』『続・さすらいの一匹狼』の連続ヒットで人気爆発のジュリアーノ・ジェンマが、『荒野の1ドル銀貨』のカルヴィン・J・パジェット監督と再びタッグを組んだ意欲作。捕えられたジェンマが目を焼かれるリンチシーンが文字通り本作の"目玉"! 名匠モリコーネ&フェリオによる哀愁のハーモニカ、ラストの粋な演出も泣ける!! マカロニウェスタン愛好者で知られるクエンティン・タランティーノお気に入りの1本。 ――南北戦争末期のアメリカ。北軍の捕虜となった南軍のゲイリー中尉 (ジュリアーノ・ジェンマ)は、南軍の仲間たちを救うため、ユマ砦奇襲を中止させる密書を南軍へ届ける任務を負った北軍のルフェーブレ大尉とピット軍曹の道案内役を買って出る。が途中、盗賊団のリッグスに襲撃され、ピットが殺されてしまう。その死因に疑問を持ったゲイリーはルフェーブレから密書を奪い先を急ぐが、逆に軍曹殺しの罪を負わされ追われる身となってしまう。川に追い詰められたゲイリーは立ち往生していた歌手コニー (ソフィー・ドゥーミエ)の旅行鞄の中にとっさに密書を隠すが、ルフェーブレに狙撃され川の中に消えた。親切な老人に助けられたゲイリーは、秘かにコニーの酒場を訪れ密書を取り戻そうとするが、逆にリッグスらに捕えられ、灼熱の石切り場で目玉を焼かれる凄絶なリンチを受ける─―。
映像特典: 1975年8月18日放送『月曜ロードショー』(TBS)日本語吹替版 (声: ジェンマ=野沢那智/小原乃梨子、大木民夫、筈見純ほか)ディスク初収録!

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