15th L'Anniversary Live Customer Reviews


Simply spectacular 5

I'm really surprised, this DVD is fabulous, the presentation, the entire show they do, music, costumes, Hyde's voice is beautiful, delivery of Ken to play the guitar, Yuki gives a wonderful force the drums and the brilliant way of playing Tetsu

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Laruku!!!~ X333 5

Oh yeah! I'm so glad to have finally received the DVD! ^0^ I had waited for so long and now I can hold the lovely cover in my very hands and watch the lovely, lovely, lovely DVD *_* Yeah, I am so proud of all the members of L'arc, they did a really good job!! Hyde's voice was so good and amazing in this one and I just became so touched and... so proud that they are still able to perform that good!!! Ahhh~ The lightshow and sound and everything! And all the nice outfits^^ I'm proud to be a fan!!! *hugs laruku* I'm so glad to spend all the money for this DVD XD~ Go L'arc! L'arc forever! ^0^

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Enchanting 5

The cover is too cute. L'Arc~en~Ciel has outdone themselves yet again; the amazing talents of every member were proudly showcased in this Live DVD. The effects were great and the atmosphere was awesome!! I wish I was there. I love their performance on 'White Feathers'. The song was performed with such power and emotion my eyes were welled with tears before the song ended. Hyde's voice was especially clear and powerful in this live. I feel proud to be a fan. ^^ I can replay this DVD over and over again and never get sick of it. It is one amazing performance and I strongly recommended it to everyone who's a fan of Laruku, old and new. GET IT!!!!!

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Cool as always! 5

I'm so happy to have gotten the first edition of this dvd because the twin tray pack is sooo cool, and the bunch of postcards that it contains are beautiful! Laruku has given a very nice surprise as always, and of course, the best of all is Hyde's voice. ^^ Arigato LAruku! Keep it up!

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