Plot: Kazunari Hira, a high school senior who suffers from a stuttering disorder that prevents him from clearly expressing what he wants to say, has been unable to fit in with his surroundings and has no friends since he was a child. His parents bought him a camera as a hobby, and as he takes pictures of his daily life, he feels half resigned to his life. Then came the class change for the last time in high school. Hira is even more nervous than usual, and when he introduces himself, he stutters and is unable to say his name. However, So Kiyoi, who is in the same class as Hira, enters the class at the perfect time, which changes the atmosphere of the class and he is saved by chance. This leads to Hira being made a gofer by Kiyoi and his group, but surprisingly, he doesn't seem to mind because the moment Hira takes one look at Kiyoi, he falls head over heels in love with him...

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