Nexus 4 / Shine Customer Reviews


Nexus 4 / Shine - L'Arc-en-Ciel 5

Excellent price Excellent shiping Excellent shiping time Excellent state Excellent all Todo excelente !!!

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I love this single 4

this is my first larc CD. So I am so impressed. I love my bonus.. i've got Tetsu's card :) all songs on this single was very cool. I love Shine song the most.

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Take this as a pleasant palliative 5

I am not very much into buying singles, since they are sort of expensive, very short, and the songs most of the times can be gotten at the Albums... but this time... This songs are in no album yet! So, come on people get this ASAP! it will help you endure the months withouth new Albums or LIVES until they come :-p Too bad the First Press is over, the IDs were cool. I got a Ken card ;_; I wanted hyde... but then again ken looks incredibly beautiful in the ID so, 'm happy with it *w*

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Finally~ It's here 4

Finally i got it... I have been waiting since I heard "Shine" from the anime "seirei no moribito". Fantastic song even after repeated listening. Nexus 4, on the other hand, I believe is the weaker of the two. Doesn't catch you as compared to Shine but still good in overall. Needless to say, great single.

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fantastic single! 5

i love this single, nexus 4 and shine are great songs i got a tetsu card but i change it with a friend and i got a hyde card :D and this is the 2nd Double A-Side single not the 1st. (The 1st was NEO UNIVERSE / finale)

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Shinexus 4 ever! 5

It's the first double-A-sided single of L'Arc~en~Ciel. And both songs are so adorable! The best, however, is the special card inside. Everyone who has got the chance to get one should try!

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Very nice songs, specially SHINE I fell in love with this song since the first time I listened to it (March 2007), very nice lyrics and excellent the composed music by KEN, his solo guitar is magnificent in this song. I've ordered and received 4 of this Single, I got HYDE, KEN and YUKIHIRO cards! and i have not opened one yet, I hope to find TETSU inside it xD

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Very Good! 4

I really like these two songs, especially the second one "Shine". But I really miss an extra track from P'unk-en-Ciel on this single. The first press extra is cool too, and guess what, I got a card from Ken too. I think it is a card where you can send a picture of the code (on the back) to a special url to get something extra. Too bad it does not work outside Japan.

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A brief, if enjoyable experience 3

This new single from L'Arc-en-Ciel is actually an amalgamation of two previous promotional tracks, "Shine" and "Nexus 4", but this is the first time we have been able to hear them in their complete and unadulterated forms. "Nexus 4" is the slightly weaker of the two, and while an instrumental interlude later in the track saves it from mediocrity, its bland verses and uncharacteristically poor guitar-work from Ken leaves something to be desired. "Shine" however is pure L'Arc, with all four of the team working in overdrive, the end result an excellent and often ethereal track that blends L'Arc-en-Ciel of the mid-90s with a trance-line that infuses itself in the opening and closing. The Hydeless versions are good for a comparitive listen, or if you consider yourself a budding vocalist. The First Press edition came with a few neat additions, yet it isn't a necessity.

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Excellent cd as usual!!! 5

As always, L'Arc~en~Ciel releases an excellent cd!!! I always enjoy the diversity of music that L'Arc~en~Ciel creates! Shine had a dance-type beat that really caught my attention. The cover art looks cool! I got the card featuring Ken with my cd as well! Shine on, L'Arc~en~Ciel! I will look forward to the next release and I will keep listening to your previous cds as well! Thank you very much!

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Very catchy!! 5

This single is very nice, but specially the song "Shine", i think it's veeery catchy and it would sound great live 'cause Hyde's voice sounds great. "Nexus 4" is an average song, i wish it were composed by Yuki. And i love the first press, i got a KEN card!! Saikou!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys, I ALREADY MISS LARUKU VERY MUCH!! ^^

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NEXUS 4 / SHINE!!!!!!!! Pre-Release Comment

i got mine just now and flogging it on to my pc! i love it!!!!!!! they never lose their style! especially in SHINE. better buy L'Arc fans or youse will miss 1/2 of your lives! L'Arc~en~Ciel forever!!!!

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