GAUZE Customer Reviews

Dir en grey

Relaxing 5

Gauze is an relaxing album of Dir en grey that is best listened to when you need to be calmed down, Kyo's voice will soothe you without any problems at all. Dir en Grey creates wonderful music and this is an album you just got to have if you are a fan.

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Dir En Grey (Gauze) 5

I'm a huge Dir en Grey fan, but I believe that this is their best album. I also love Kyo's vocals, and the music also changes from hard rock to soft (visual kei.)"Cage" is my favorite song on this album. "Akuro no oka" is also one of my favorites and it sounds so sad, but I pretty much love all the songs. This is an album that I recommend to any Dir en Grey fan out their.

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To the birth of life. To a new spiral... 5

This is still my favourite Dir en Grey album. I love the vast array of songs, styles and performances which characterised those visual kei days. The way the songs take you on a journey is really impressive: although, lyrically they are dark there is something ultimately quite uplifting about it: lyrically, by far, GAUZE is the most interesting release. The CD is nicely presented. I especially liked the little verses that accompany the lyrics for each song in the booklet. They really add an extra element to proceedings. A great purchase to add the your CD collection!

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Liking it ^^ 5

Awesome album ^^ It's funny how much it differs from their current music, but I still enjoy this album as much as eg. WTD or TMOAB (or any album, for that matters). The music just has something in it, that makes you like it, no matter what. NP: Dir en grey - Akuro no Oka This was the first CD that I ordered from CDJapan and everyhting went smoothly.

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Debut album beyond awesome 5

Gauze is an amazing piece of work and considering that it's Dir en grey's first full-length album makes it even more impressing in my book. Debut album can't get much better than this! The tracklisting consists almost entirely of madly brilliant songs with only few which I am not exactly fond of ("Tsumi to Batsu", "mazohyst of decadence", "MASK" and "-ZAN-") and a great deal of the wonderful ones ("Yurameki", "raison detre", "304 Goushitsu, Hakushi no Sakura", "Cage", "Yokan" and "Akuro no Oka"). The intro is the best one to date. Stylistically this album is more on the up-beat, lighter side, respectively, yet it still has that enjoyable rough edge and the pleasantly disturbing feel of darkness closing in. The whole band is doing absolutely superb job, and not a single bad thing can be said about anyone's performance. The booklet is quite plain. The background colour is white, the texts are mostly printed in black and there are some monochrome photos: one of each band member and then few others, always a one sided with each lyric. Gauze is one of my favourite albums by Dir en grey and an essential album in any rock collection.

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The Best 5

This is the first album of dir en Grey, i really like the sound of it. So I like these songs, Cage, Yokan and Raison d'etre, the music is fun and sound happy, but not as the lyrics they seems a little bit dark on the side. Good album Guys..

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Old songs 4

Their first full-length release, Gauze presents a mix of rock songs. Some are quite heavy, such as Zan, while others such as Yokan are more poppy. It's a good album, and there are no bad songs on it. It's just quite a varied album. I recommend visual kei fans to get this.

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Definitly Their Best! 5

I have been a fan of Dir en grey for a good 4 almost 5 years now and still this album most definitly has to be their best work to date! A majority of the first Dir en grey songs i ever heard are on this album and this album also holds my most favourite Diru track 'raison detre' (has possibly one of the best solo's i have ever heard and the video is brilliant, odd but brilliant). Generally this album is a must have amongst fans and if you dont have it then WHY!? Songs that really stand out on the album in my opinion are - raison detre, tsumi to batsu, Cage, yokan and MASK.

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Gorgeous (most unoriginal title, ever?) 5

This album is actually perfection. Whatever your third grade teacher said about perfection being impossible? Yeah, they hadn't heard this CD. Anyone who doesn't think this is a work of art is craz-azy.

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Their best album 5

I think this is their best album, i know some people would beg to differ. But i first listened to stuff from this album when i first heard of them.My favourite songs are Raison D'etre,Tsumi to Batsu and Yokan. All over i think this is their best album.

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The Beginning of a Great Musical Career 5

Well this album's pretty old now. It packs the early hits of Dir en grey hence it has the lighter hits like Yokan and Yurameki. Even though the tracks are somewhat 'obsolete' in Dir en grey's LIVE shows now, they are still a great songs as it showcases the band at a more individual level as there are more solos and such. Some of the band's masterpieces can be found in this album.

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CD Review 5

This is one of the best CD i've ever bought. Dir en grey is just a awesome jrock band. After you listen to them you'll never want to stop.

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Perfection from beginning to end! 5

There couldn't be a better debut album than 'GAUZE', it's perfection from beginning till end! The balance between all songs is great as the variation and pacing. It's so hard to pick favourites cause I truly love every song on this album. If I can't mention them all I'll just say "Schwein NO ISU", "raison detre", "Cage", "TSUMI TO BATSU", "YOKAN", "MASK", "-ZAN-" and "akuro no oka" which isn't far from all. The whole band is just great, Kyo gives his all in every song with his amazing voice and brilliant lyrics. The guitar work from Kaoru and Die is wide and brilliant, with some fantastic solos from Kaoru, Toshiya is always present with his rich and throbbing bass and Shinya only leaves room for flawless drumming. I can't say which album is their best cause they're all so different [and they really are] but if you consider yourself a fan, this is a must in the collection [along with all the other albums of course] A debut album can't possibly get any better than this...

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Really Good 5

Maybe for the fans of the extreme hard rock this is the least favourite album from Diru, instead I like it just because is the ''softer'' from their album, but even because i like almost all the songs released in this album.

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great album 5

This is the only album i bought from this band. i love a lot of the songs here. my current favorites are yokan, cage, raison detre, Akuro No Oka, and yuremeki. They have such a good beat to their rock music the price is worth every penny.

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Remarkable 4

GAUZE is an amazing album. Beautiful music and astonishing lyrics. Cage, Raison D'etre, yokan, and ZAN are my all time favorites on this album.

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Just hooked to it 4

The songs her a just lovely. Cage is also one of the best on this album. This is also a great album to listen to without the strange look of others who hear this.

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Review 3

This was proabbly my first album I owned of DeG... There were a couple of songs I really liked but this album was too inconsistant in my opinion. Other then that, it was pretty jammy.

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*_____* 5

My favourite Dir en grey's album *_* It's so awesome!! *__* every song is great.. and mazohyst of decadence....and this PV *________* love it!!

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Just Amazing 5

It could as well be "Kisou" or "Macabre" but everyone should own "Gauze" for the way it flows. Hits aside (since each album has its fair share), Gauze's mood slowly oscillates to display countless emotions and styles. Lyrics on this one are simply startling - "Mazohyst of Decadence" is a dark poem of how a child would view his own abortion. This CD is abosolution wonderful. I love it.

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