*Only customers who use PayPal for the first time at CDJapan during the offer period are eligible to this offer.

Offer Period (UTC+9)

December 11 12:00 through December 15
-> December 27, 2017 (Extended)

How It Works

  1. Add items totaling 3,000JPY or more to your cart -> proceed to checkout
  2. Select PayPal as your payment method
  3. At "Order Summary" page, click on "Continue" button
  4. Sign a PayPal Billing Agreement and proceed to your PayPal account or create one
  5. Complete the checkout
  6. Done! You will get 500JPY coupon in the late December. We will send you an e-mail after the coupon is applied to your account.
*If you already have your PayPal account, you can sign a billing agreement from here.

About PayPal Billing Agreement

CDJapan supports PayPal Billing Agreement. If you shop at CDJapan on a regular basis, you will be able to place your orders without having to log in to PayPal account each time by granting the authorization to the payment system once.

Important Notes

  • Only the first order paid by PayPal with signing a billing agreement during the offer period is examined for this promotion.
  • The promotion is applicable when the total price of items in your order (excl. shipping and handling charges) is 3,000JPY or above.
  • DO NOT use the "Check out with PayPal" button which is designed specifically for people who prefer to shop without creating a customer account. This promotion applies only to customers who use their CDJapan customer account.
  • The coupon to be applied from this promotion is applicable when the total price of items of your order (excl. shipping and handling charges) is 5,000yen or above and valid for a limited period of time until the end of January 2018 (UTC+9).