4538539015715 DCCA-107
Amazon & Tower Records exclusive

1Don't forget Poem by Kyo / Composed by Miya

2Doubtful Sound Poem by Kyo / Composed by Miya

3OBEY Poem by Kyo / Composed by Miya

4Ruin of Existence Poem by Kyo / Composed by antz

5Shura reaching out to claim Composition by Kyo / Composed by antz

6Koku Composed by Kyo / Composed by miya

7.come to a screaming halt Poem by Kyo / Composed by yukihiro

8I kill myself Poem by Kyo / Composed by miya

9Pull the trigger Poem by Kyo / Composed by miya

10Non-human, monologue ni arazu Poem by Kyo / Composed by antz

11Isolated spiral Poem by Kyo / Composed by miya

12Anarchy is called mute Poem by Kyo / Composed by antz

13Thirst Poem by Kyo / Composed by miya

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