[Machine Translation] Hara Giants win back-to-back Central League titles! The 2013 season started off well with 7 consecutive wins, and although they lost the top spot for a while in early June, they quickly regained it and kept the top spot with their consistent strength. 39 magic words for winning the championship were lit on August 9, and the Giants won the championship again in 2012 and 2013. The Giants won back-to-back Central League championships in 2012 and 2013, as their pitchers and fielders showed their abilities and left no room for other teams to take advantage of them. The Hara Giants embodied this year's team slogan, "Leap Forward," and lived up to the expectations of their fans by winning back-to-back championships. Abe hits 1500 hits and homer No. 300 / Utsumi wins 100 games / Ogasawara homers for the first time in 2 years and is interviewed as a hero / The team wins 5500 games / The game that decides the championship / The victory celebration *This product is manufactured and sold with permission from the Yomiuri Giants.