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CD Album

"Silent Tokyo (Movie)" Original Soundtrack

Original Soundtrack (Music by Subaru Omama)

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Release Date December 23, 2020
Availability In Stock at Supplier:Usually ships in 2-4 days
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Product Details

Catalog No.UZCL-2201
JAN/ISBN 4571217144314
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1



[Machine Translation] This is war... A soundtrack of shivers. Inspired by the song "Happy X-mas (War Is Over)" by popular author Hata Kenhiko, who has written numerous bestsellers including the "Unfair" series, the novel "Silent Tokyo And so this is Xmas" has been made into a live-action film. Directed by Hatano Takafumi, who has directed many hit TV dramas including "SP THE MOTION PICTURE", "Ambition", and "Revolution". An all-star cast including Koichi Sato, Yuriko Ishida, Hidetoshi Nishijima, and others have come together to portray an unprecedented serial bombing incident that suddenly occurs in Tokyo on Christmas Eve, and the ensemble drama of the people involved in the incident, with overwhelming reality and unprecedented scale. A blockbuster film. The soundtrack is composed by Oomama Takashi, who has composed music for several high-profile films including "Predictive Offender," "Fugyouroku," "Kanojo Sono Namae Shiranai Torihachi," "Just Drop Your Phone," and "Invisible Witness. The shipment from the manufacturer will be on December 22, 2020. We will ship them as soon as they arrive at our store.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

映画「サイレント・トーキョー」オリジナル・サウンドトラック / サントラ (音楽: 大間々昂)

これは、戦争だ・・・。戦慄のサウンドトラック。 「アンフェア」シリーズなど数多くのベストセラーを世に送り出した人気作家・秦建日子が楽曲「Happy X-mas (War Is Over)」にインスパイアされ、執筆した小説『サイレント・トーキョー And so this is Xmas』を実写映画化。監督は映画『SP THE MOTION PICTURE「野望篇」「革命篇」』や、数々のヒットドラマの演出を担当する波多野貴文。佐藤浩市、石田ゆり子、西島秀俊をはじめオールスターキャストが集結し、クリスマス・イブの東京で突如発生した未曾有の連続爆破テロ事件と事件に巻き込まれた人々の群像劇を圧倒的なリアリティとともに空前のスケールで描き出す、予測不能のサスペンス・エンターテインメント超大作。サウンドトラックは、映画『予告犯』『愚行録』『彼女がその名を知らない鳥たち』『スマホを落としただけなのに』シリーズ、『見えない目撃者』など話題作の音楽を担当する、大間々昂。 ※メーカー出荷は2020年12月22日です。弊社入荷次第、順次発送します。

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