[Machine Translation] A TV animation of the very popular comic "Jyujutsu Kaisen" (written by Akutomi Shimoji), which is serialized in "Shukan Shonen Jump" (published by Shueisha) and has sold over 8.5 million copies in total, will start airing in October 2020 on MBS/TBS series "Super Animeism"! DVD Volume 8 is on sale. --A boy fights -- in search of the "righteous death. Harshness, regret, and shame. The negative emotions that humans generate become a curse and lurk in everyday life. Curses are the source of the pervasive evil in the world, and in the worst case, they lead people to death. And curses can only be exorcised by curses. One day, however, in order to save his friends from being attacked by a curse, he bites the "Finger of Double-Sided Tsuina", a special class of curse, and his soul is cursed. Torazue, who now shares his body with the curse of "Two-sided Tsuina", was admitted to the "Tokyo Metropolitan College of Spiritual Arts", a specialized institution against curses, under the guidance of Gojo Satoru, the most powerful master of the art... A magnificent story of a boy who became a curse to exorcise curses, with no turning back, begins to turn out... - Contains #22 - #24.