Umi to Shonen
CD Album

Umi to Shonen


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Release Date June 27, 2018
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Product Details

Catalog No.SATIRE-27
JAN/ISBN 4988044898646
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1



[Machine Translation] This is the second album by "smell", a four-piece band based in Koiwa, East Tokyo, after a 12-year absence. The music is full of a sense of speed with dramatic and metallic elements. The songs are dramatic, metallic, and fast-paced, and they all come together to create a collection of masterpieces that will tug at your heartstrings from the beginning to the end of the album. It can be said that this is an expression of the four members who, after slowing down for some time after the release of the previous album due to the circumstances of each member, have steadily built up their activities into something tangible, and have realized it through live performances and studio work. It can be evaluated as a new form of melodic hardcore, which is not so common in Japan, and as a Japanese-made PROPAGANDHI, but the changes in musicality from now on are not limited to this work. It is a masterpiece that overflows with a sense of value that continues to be renewed and never fades away.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

海と少年 / smell

東東京/小岩を中心に活動する4ピースバンド"smell"の12年ぶりの新作2ndアルバム。1stアルバムで聴かせた胸を打つメロディーと日々の中から生まれる喜怒哀楽の揺らめきが独自の言葉選びと語感で繰り広げられる歌詞、そしてそれらを鮮やかに彩る、ドラマティックでありメタリックな要素も含んだ疾走感溢れる楽曲。それらが一体になって聴かせる今作は冒頭から最後まで心の琴線に触れる珠玉の名曲たちとなっています。前作のリリース後からメンバー各々の事情で一旦スローダウンしたかに見えた活動の中で、着実にあたためて形にし、ライブでの演奏、スタジオワークをじっくり経たうえで具現化した4人の表現であると言えます。日本ではそう多くないMELODIC HARDCOREの一つの新しい形として和製PROPAGANDHIと評価する事も出来ますがこれからの音楽性の変化はそこだけにとどまらない期待を持てる作品。どの時代も色あせる事のない更新され続ける価値観に溢れる傑作。

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