5 Fun De Ondoku Suru Koten (100 Nin No Sensei Ga Eranda Kodomo Koten)
Yokoyama, Ken Ya/ Hen
Points You Earn | 1% (23p) |
Release Date | March 18, 2011 |
Availability | Sold Out |
Product Details
Catalog No. | NEOBK-935343 |
JAN/ISBN | 9784593569939 |
Product Type | BOOK |
Pages | 111 |
Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.
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Description in Japanese
5分で音読する古典 (100人の先生が選んだこども古典) / 横山験也
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生き方や学問 いやなことが良いことのもとになる-人間訓〔ほか〕
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