[Machine Translation] Let's start playing guitar with songs from "Bandolier! The next generation girl band project "BanG Dream! Many fans may have seen the girls in action in the 2nd season of the anime that started airing in January 2019 and thought, "I want to play the guitar! ), many fans may have thought, "I want to play the guitar! This instructional book is perfect for such guitar beginners. The book explains the rudiments of the guitar in detail and includes many practice phrases using Poppin'Party songs, so you can learn the basics of the guitar while having fun at the same time. At the end of the book, there is a score with a simple arrangement of ( Kizuna Music. ) ( Tokimeki Experience! ) with easy-to-arrange scores. If you feel the sparkle and excitement, let's start with this book. Basic knowledge of guitar that you should know before playing Let's play the guitar How to read tablature and length of notes Let's play the melody of "Bandolieri!" (Assignment: "Double Rainbow" / Kizuna Music. / Girls' Chords / "Kira Kira, It's a Dream" ~Sing Girls~) / Lesson 2 Play some chords! Let's play with power chords Try Poppipa's songs with power chords. ( Assignment: Yes! BanG_Dream!/STAR BEAT! Girls~/Double Rainbow/Hachigatsu no if/Mae e Susume! ) / Lesson 3 Electric Guitar Techniques Essential techniques to learn from Poppipa's songs ( Assignment: Teardrops/Yes! Let's use amps & effectors / Lesson 4 Equipment and Maintenance String replacement and guitar cleaning / Lesson 5 Challenge Poppin'Party songs! How to Read Scores Easy Arrangement (Oimeki Experience!) Easy Arrangement ( Kizuna Music. )