[Machine Translation] The "Narrow Gown Tale" was established in the late Heian period (794-1185), and there are many copies and a vast number of variants. The Sanjonishi manuscript is thought to have been copied during the Muromachi period by Sanjonishi Kojo, the son of Sanjonishi Sanetaka, who himself copied and annotated many classical works. The text is written in the language of the Heian period, which was difficult to understand in the Muromachi period, but was replaced by the language of the time of copying (Muromachi period), and the manuscript shows an attitude of copying far removed from respect for the original source. This book is based on the Sanjo Naike version, and includes an outline and notes to facilitate reading and understanding of the contents of the tale, as well as a discussion of the text that addresses unique differences and similarities. This book plays an important role in understanding not only the relationship between the various editions of "The Tale of the Narrow Girdle" but also the copying of the text and the attitude toward its enjoyment during the Muromachi period (1333-1573).