[Machine Translation] [Special feature] / "What not to do" with Hiroko Ogiwara on retirement planning / Hiroko Ogiwara's in-depth explanation ( 1 ) Your valuable assets may decrease! Investments, insurance, and housing are all a big mistake! ( 2 ) Trump's policy will reduce Japan's pension benefits? ( 3 ) How will tax hikes, deflation, and the Tokyo Olympics affect household finances / Remodeling, caring for parents, and grandchildren's college education ...... An FP who experienced breast cancer reveals the costs of hospitalization, surgery, and treatment. How I, a charismatic housewife who overcame two divorces and a painful business failure, ended up with a debt of 150 million yen Misato Okada / I'm having a hard time living: ...... Is this a "developmental disorder"? The culture that demands "understanding" is violent for us. The "dropout" who became a rakugo storyteller finally obtained a "perch" named "disability" Hanaroku Yanagiya / Report: No diagnosis. But it is hard. ...... / An old friend talks about her determination to return to the stage (ASKA) / Yoka Wao / Thirty years since Takarazuka's first Takarazuka performance, what she thinks now that she is in her 50s / Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, a beautiful traveler who has traveled around the world Rose-sama" was a senior student of mine at a girl's school [I am on the cover]Photographed by Kishin Shinoyama / Saori Yoshida: A Second Life <New Column> / TOKYO 2020 Dream Supporters (1) The youngest ever to become the world's No. 1! The amazing 15-year-old who continues to evolve ... etc.