Weekly Play Boy May 18, 2015 Issue [Cover] Yamamoto Sayaka (NMB48) [Supplement] Shiraishi Mai (Nogizaka46) mousepad


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Release Date April 27, 2015
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Catalog No.NEOBK-1804067
Product Type BOOK

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.


[Machine Translation] Special Appendix / Nogizaka46 Mai Shiraishi Special Mouse Pad Bag & Binding / Kayo Sato's first swimsuit gravure / Nipple Bodhisattva, Awakening. Yuno Yasukuzawa / Spring Fight Festival [Wide] / Cabinet Secretary Kan, the cushion for the Abe administration, has recently been "fighting a lot" / Tori Aristocrats vs. Torijiro: The "Marubakuri-Battle" / Treerun vs. The aftermath of the U.S.-Cuban "rapprochement" has spread to the Japanese baseball world! The aftermath of the U.S.-Cuban rapprochement has hit the Japanese baseball world! Putin's "How to pick a fight"? Has Takeichiro Tatsuyoshi's "fighting gene" been passed on to his son, Juki? There is more! Fighting and making up ( COLOR PAGE ) / Win the Gold Medal! Aya Yamamoto ( NMB48 ) / Trip to Hawaii Masumi Arimura / Permanent Preservation Edition "Ai Shinozaki, Zenbu. Ai Shinozaki - The story of Nogizaka46 Photo & Message - The hottest CM - I met a beautiful girl! Rena Matsui talks about her love for sneakers! Bakusho Mondai Tanaka took a picture of Sahel Rose! The beautiful female office worker from "Terrace House" is photographed exclusively in the "Las Vegas of the East" where lust swirls around her! YUIKO MATSUKAWA in MACAU / The era of SNS beauties has arrived! The "evolutionary capsule hotel" is amazing! Saki Yanase / Saki Yanase is a beautiful woman. Saki Yanase / Mihiro is my favorite Mihiro / 10 AV experts carefully select this AV in Spring 2015 / SODstar special photos of Delusional Moteki ... ... etc.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

週刊プレイボーイ 2015年5/18号 【表紙】 山本彩(NMB48) 【付録】 白石麻衣(乃木坂46) マウスパッド、袋とじ:佐藤かよ/安久澤ユノ / 集英社

★特別付録 ・乃木坂46 白石麻衣 スペシャルマウスパッド ☆袋とじ ・女を超えた全開SEXY 佐藤かよ 初水着グラビア ・乳菩薩、覚醒。 安久澤ユノ ●春のケンカ祭り[ワイド] ・「安倍政権のクッション役」菅官房長官が最近どうも「ケンカ腰」な真相 ・鳥貴族vs鳥二郎「丸パクリバトル」 ・トレランvs登山客 ・不動産業界の革命児が爆弾投下! 「大手仲介の不正」と「脅し」全暴露 ・米キューバ「仲直り」の余波が日本球界に! 「グリエルvsDeNA」が最後の盛り上がりっぽい ・ギリシャ新政権「ナチスの戦争賠償金を!」ドイツは一蹴 ・プーチン式「ケンカの仕掛け方」とは!? ・辰吉丈一郎の“ケンカ遺伝子”は息子・寿以輝に受け継がれたのか!? ・まだまだあるよ! ケンカと仲直り 【COLOR PAGE】 ・Win the Gold Medal!! 山本 彩(NMB48) ・Trip to Hawaii 有村架純 ・永久保存版『篠崎愛の、ぜんぶ。』 篠崎 愛 ・乃木坂46物語 Photo & Message ・話題のCM美少女に逢ってきた!! ・松井玲奈、スニーカー愛を語る!! ・爆笑問題・田中がサヘル・ローズを撮った!! ・あの「テラスハウス」のOL美女を欲望渦巻く “東洋のラスベガス”で独占撮! 松川佑依子 in MACAU ・SNS美女の時代がやってきた! ・“進化系カプセルホテル”がスゴイ!!! ・超乳“やなパイ”、ココにて解禁。 柳瀬早紀 ・やっぱり、みひろが好き みひろ ・10人のAV賢者が厳選 このAVがスゴい2015春 ・SODstarスペシャル撮り下ろし 妄想モテキ ...ほか

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