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Neko Ramen Taisho Regular Edition

Japanese Movie

(3278yen Tax incl. in Japan)
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Release Date May 29, 2009
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Product Details

Catalog No.KMCA-10006
JAN/ISBN 4539373015831
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Color Color
Running Time 80minutes
Original Release Year 2008
Encoding MPEG-2
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 Vista
Region 2
Audio Track Japanese Dolby Digital


[Machine Translation] The happiest and cutest cat story for cat lovers in Japan! A complete film adaptation of the hit 4-panel comic "Neko Ramen" written by Shigeji Soni! Director Minoru Kawasaki, who has made a splash with his animal trilogy "The Squid Wrestler", "Koala Chief", and "Kani Goalkeeper", and has become one of the biggest hit makers in the Japanese film industry with "The Sinking of All But Japan" and "Girara Strikes Back: The Lake Toya Summit Crisis", is back with another hit film that is sure to hit the cat boom of unprecedented proportions. The main character, the General, and his father and strongest rival, the Shogun, were visualized using the amazing "Super Guignol" special visual effects method, which makes full use of specially made puppets. This is a realistic and cute animal movie that is different from stuffed animals, and an unprecedentedly painful animal gourmet movie with the richness and deliciousness of ramen! The cast includes Kazuki Kato, Nao Nagasawa, Saaya, Toshio Kurosawa, popular voice actor Toru Furuya, and Seizo Kato, all of whom have great talents. --The son of a popular cat idol, Daisho, is fed up with his father's Spartan education and runs away from his father. He tries various jobs but nothing works out, and just as he is about to commit suicide, he is saved by his father at a ramen shop. Impressed by his father's ramen, the son is trained under his father and opens his own restaurant, "Neko Ramen Daisho"....

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

猫ラーメン大将 通常版 / 邦画

国の猫好きに贈る最高にハッピーでキュートな猫の物語!! そにしけんじ原作の大ヒット4コマ漫画「猫ラーメン」の完全映画化!! 「いかレスラー」「コアラ課長」「かにゴールキーパー」の動物三部作で日本列島を笑撃の渦に叩き込み、「日本以外全部沈没」と「ギララの逆襲 洞爺湖サミット危機一発」で大ヒットを飛ばして日本映画界屈指のヒットメイカーとなった河崎実監督が空前の猫ブームに叩きつける話題作。主人公の大将、そしてその父にして最強のライバル、将軍の映像化には、特製パペットを駆使した驚異の特殊視覚効果<スーパー・ギニョール>方式を採用。着ぐるみとは一味違うリアルでキュートな動物映画にして、ラーメンのコクと旨みも味わえるかつてなく痛快なアニマル・グルメ・ムービー!! 加藤和樹、長澤奈央、紗綾や黒沢年雄、人気声優・古谷徹、加藤精三といった実力派ぞろいのキャストも見どころ。――人気キャットアイドルの息子・大将は父のスパルタ教育に嫌気がさして父のもとを飛び出す。彼は様々な職を転々とするも何ひとつうまくいかず、自殺しようと考えたところをあるラーメン屋の親父に救われる。親父のラーメンのうまさに感動した大将は、親父のもとで過酷な修行を積み、「猫ラーメン大将」という店を持つまでになるが・・・。

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