Xbox360 First Press Sold Out

Double root Before Crime After Days Regular Edition [Xbox360]


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Release Date June 14, 2012
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Product Details

Catalog No.JES1-215
JAN/ISBN 4944445012425
Product Type Xbox360

This game is region LOCKED and compatible ONLY with consoles sold in Japan. They are NOT compatible with consoles sold in any other region, even if the TV is formatted for NTSC signals. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Machine Translation] The Worst Situation in the History of Adventure Games" is an extremely thrilling suspense drama about nine men and women who escape from a mysterious explosion that suddenly shatters order and balance. A mysterious explosion shatters order and balance. The core of "Route Double" is, as the title suggests, a scenario from two different viewpoints, with two protagonists, "the rescuer" and "the rescued", who are on opposite sides of the conflict. The main objective of the game is to rescue all nine people trapped in a closed space covered with ashes of death. The closed door is scheduled to open in 9 hours. However, only six people can be protected from radiation for that nine-hour period. Therefore, they will inevitably scramble to find another escape route. The main characters are designed and drawn by "Mikeo," who boasts of his immense popularity in PC bishojo games. Sub-character design is handled by "Wadapen. and "Narumi Ohtaka" will be in charge of sub-character design. Mr. "eco*" will be in charge of coloring design and CG supervision. Mr. Soki Tsukishima" is in charge of the screenplay. Mr. Takumi Nakazawa was entrusted with the original idea, director, and producer of this work, his first original SF suspense work in about 5 years since "I/O". We are looking forward to seeing him in his element. Voice Cast: Tarusuke Aragaki, Mitsuhiro Ichirai, Kaori Nazuka, Asami Imai, Kei Madou, Rina Sato, Akane Tomonaga, Megumi Toyoguchi, Toru Okawa, Sayaka Ohara, Ai Shimizu, Momoko Ohara, Kyoko Hiko, Aozora Tokui [Player: 1 player] (CERO Age rating: To be determined)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

ルートダブル Before Crime After Days [通常版] [Xbox360] / ゲーム

「アドベンチャーゲーム史上最悪のシチュエーション」9名の男女の脱出劇を描く、極限にスリリングなサスペンスドラマ ■概要 :突如、秩序と均衡を打ち砕いた謎の爆発事故――。粛々と死の気配に覆われていく、閉ざされた巨大研究施設――。『ルートダブル』の核となるのは、そのタイトル名が示すとおり、「救う側」「救われる側」といった対極関係にある2人の主人公による2つの視点別のシナリオ。死の灰に覆われた絶体絶命の閉鎖空間から、閉じ込められた9名全員を救い出すのが本作最大の目的。閉ざされた扉が開く予定時刻は9時間後。だが、その9時間、放射線から身を守る術は6人までしか行き渡らない。ゆえに、必然的に別の脱出路を求めて奔走することになる。 ■各方面で活躍中の実力派クリエイターたち :メインのキャラクターデザインと原画を担当するのは、PC美少女ゲームで絶大な人気を誇る“みけおう”氏。サブキャラクターデザインを勤めるのは、“わだぺん。”氏と“おおたか鳴海”氏。彩色設計とCG監修を担当するのは、“eco*”氏。脚本担当として迎えられたのは、“月島総記”氏。そして、本作の原案、監督、およびプロデューサーを任せられたのは“中澤工”氏。SFサスペンス作品のオリジナルとしては『I/O』以来約5年ぶり。氏の本領発揮が期待される。 ■出演声優 :新垣樽助、市来光弘、名塚佳織、今井麻美、真堂圭、佐藤利奈、友永朱音、豊口めぐみ、大川透、大原さやか、清水愛、大原桃子、氷上恭子、徳井青空 [プレイ人数: 1人]【CERO年齢別レーティング: 審査予定】

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